I dont care no more.

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Min hee wakes up with a headache. She gets up and showers. She walks into the kitchen and finds her dad in the kitchen. She runs to him and gives him a big hug.

" Mian appa. Umma ruined your life. " she says as she starts to cry.

" Aigoo, but your mom gave me the best thing. That was you. You don't need to cry. Now you know you have a oppa go and catch up on each others life." Mr.lee said patting her back.

" Ne. " Min hee said looking down.

" Here I didn't make breakfast, go buy something." He said handing her some money.

" oh , thank you." Min hee said grabbing her bag and walking out the door.

Min hee saw J-hope walking out the door. She ran to him and hooked arms with him. He looked down at her and smiled.

" it's true you could be my sister. We look so much alike. " J-hope said looking at her.

" Ani. You look like me." Min hee said smiling.

" I was born first. Did you not listen at all to what your dad was saying ?" J-hope asked.

" mmmm sorta. " she answered.

J-hope put his arm around her. " let's go Doensang. Before we miss the bus. "

" Aish. Stop you're embarrassing me already. " Min hee said getting on the bus first.

They got on the bus and sat on their seat. The rest got on the bus. They stared at them.

" so you two are brother and sister ?" Rap monster asked.

The both nodded. They all stared at them.

" I mean don't we look alike ?" J hope said smushing their faces close to each other.

" I don't see it. Min hee is way more cuter. You J hope are just ugly." Rap monster said laughing.

Min hee laughed as J hope pouted.

" good one. " Min hee said still laughing.

" yah !! You guys are mean." J hope said faking tears.

Min hee wrapped her arms around him.
" you're handsome oppa. "

" yeah what she said. you know I was just kidding." Rap monster said ruffling his hair.

J hope gave them a adorable smile. Soon they got to school. Min hee hooked arms with Jung kook and Rap monster. Once they were inside the other boys went to go but snacks leaving her with jimin.

" so you and J hope are brother and sister now huh ?" Jimin asked.

" Yeah don't worry our situation won't effect your friendship with him." Min hee said with a straight face.

" I didn't mean it like that. You know I don't do those things." Jimin said mumbling.

" No I don't. The Jimin I thought I knew wouldn't have done any of what happened before. " Min hee said looking at him.

" I know that's why I keep trying to show you I'm sorry. You're not responding you turn every conversation into a argument. " Jimin said taking a step closer to her.

" I already told you that you screwed up. " she said softly but firm.

" Then when are you going to let me prove it to you ? When will you response ?" Jimin asked getting annoyed.

Min hee looked at him and walked up the stairs. Jimin followed her and grabbed her arm causing her to drop her books. She stared back at him. He leaned in to kiss her. Min hee smacked him and pulled away.

" I told you I'm not your play doll. " Min hee said looking back at him.

" Min hee you're right I did change. I also knew you wouldn't understand. And you know what I don't give a damn if you do or don't anymore. I'm done trying to prove myself to you when you won't respond. If you like Jung Kook go out with him see if I care." Jimin said walking away.

Min hee bend over to pick her things up. Tears in her eyes threatening to come out. Hyun Ki came and handed her a book. She looked at him. He gave her a smile. He grabbed her books and he put them in there. He hooked the bag in one of his arms. He lifted Min hee up and took her away. The tears came out and she started to cry on his chest. Making his shirt wet

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