The race begins again

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Min hee and Jung kook were packing as the rest of them were in school. Suddenly Jungkook hugged her. Minhees heart stopped.

" What's wrong?" Min hee asked.

" Min hee I still like you.." Jungkook confessed.

" Jungkook I'm sorry." Min hee said pushing him away. " I don't want to hurt you more than I already have.... I love you so much but it's not the love you have for me." Min hee said tearing up.

Jungkooks heart broke to pieces. " Is there anything I can do to change that?" He asked as his voice cracked.

Min hee shook her head." I'm sorry but you can't... I really like Jimin." Min hee said tearing up. " I've tried to stop and give you a chance cause you've done so much for me.. But I always go back to Jimin.. I'm sorry." Min hee said looking everywhere but at Jungkook.

" Can I give you a kiss on the cheek just this one time?" Jungkook asked.

Min hee stayed quiet as he got closer to her. He pulled her in. He kissed her cheek. Then his lips hovered over hers.

" Jungkook you said only on the cheek." She whispered as she shut her eyes.

" Shhhhh." He said holding her arms with a strong grip.


As class ended Jimin decided to skip the next class to go see Minhee. He got in a taxi and headed towards the hospital. When he got there he heard Jungkook and Minhee talking. He decided it would be a good idea to scare them. He crack opened the door enough for him to seen. He saw Jungkook kiss Minhee's cheek. Then as he leaned in to kiss Min hees lips. His heart stopped. Before they kissed he ran off. He unintentionally let the door slam. As he ran he heard Min hee yell his name. He continued to run far from them. He didn't want to hear their excuses.


When the door slammed Min hee opened her eyes." What was that?" Min hee yelled.

" It was nothing." Jungkook said still holding her.

Minhee pushed him away. She ran to the door and saw Jimin running away. She yelled his name. That didn't stop him. She ran after him before he did something. She saw him run to a alcohol tent.  He saw him order and sit.
Before he got drunk Min hee ran to him.

" Jimin." Min hee said out of breath.

" What do you want?" Jimin asked as he opened the bottle.

" Don't drink." Min hee said grabbing the bottle.

Jimin pushed her off. " Shouldn't you be making out with Jungkook?" He said taking a big gulp of beer.

" You have it all wrong..." Min hee said as she watched him drink.

" So he didn't kiss your cheek and then your lips?" Jimin said sarcastically.

" No! I mean he did kiss my cheek but as he was about to kiss my lips the door slammed and I pushed away and saw you." Min hee said.

" If I weren't there you would've made out with him." Jimin said.

" No.. Because I like you." Min hee said grabbing his hand.

" Prove it." Jimin said getting drunk.

" where?" Min hee asked.

" Here." Jimin said.

Min hee was unsure of how to prove it. * does he want me to make out with him here or?* Min hee thought.

She leaned in and kissed him." Park Jimin will you please be my boyfriend again?" Min hee asked hugging him.

Jimin stayed quiet for a long time. Min hee hugged him tighter. Min hee snugged her head in the nook of his neck. She was scared she was gunna loose him. Jimin finally hugged her back just as tight.

" Are you sure you want to date me and not him?" Jimin asked not letting go of her.

" I like you. Every time I gave Jung kook a chance I always ended up going back to you."

Jimin smiled. " Come on let's go." Jimin said grabbing her hand and pulling her back to the hospital.

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