Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat

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[Joey's POV]

Shane and I rushed out from the apartment to get to my car and go to Luke's. I quickly started the car as Shane climbed into the passenger seat. While I was driving out of the parking garage, Shane held my hand, I squeezed his hand back making him smile. We stayed holding hands the entire journey to Luke's house.

We arrived at Luke's house and got out of the car fast. Shane and I walked up to the front door together just walking side by side, trying not to look as if we were together. I knocked on the door and Jason answered.

Jason: Hi guys!

Joey: Hey Jason!

Shane: Hi!

Jason: Come on in, go straight up to Luke's room fast! He's been waiting a while for you!

Joey: Ok great! C'mon Shane!

Shane and I ran up the spiral staircase and walked into Luke's room.


Ingrid: What took you guys!

Joey: We just lost track of time!

Luke: We'll play a quick game so Shane can get used to the game then we'll all make a video together!

Joey:, two three, four, five. There are five of us and only 4 players!

Ingrid: I'm not playing, just you 3 boys and Cat.

[Shane's POV]

I would've much preferred Ingrid to play whether than Cat!

Shane: What are we playing?

Luke: How about a Kinect game?

Cat: Kinect sports! Teaming with Joey!

She linked arms with Joey. Great, now she's teaming with Joey, I'm not jealous....just pissed! At least Luke was a good gamer.

Luke: Alright then, Team Jatrific vs. Team Lane? Shuke?

And now they're getting a ship name! The only name that sounded right with Joey's was Shane, Shane and Joey equals Shoey! Shoey Dawceffa!

Shane: Good luck with a shit partner Luke!

Luke: It'll be easy trust me Shane! What should we play first? Ingrid you're the only person not playing, you decide!

Ingrid: Ummm, Table Tennis!

[Joey's POV]

I didn't want to team with Cat! I only wanted to team with Shane!

We played table tennis and I played really bad on purpose so Cat wouldn't want to team with me next game. Shane and Luke won the game of table tennis! Luke and Shane jumped around like they had won the gold at the Olympics, cheering and high fiving here and there! But Cat wanted to team again with me! Beach volleyball was up next!

Joey: Next game, team switch!

Cat: Do you not want to be on my team Joey?!

Joey: Yeah, it's just fair if everybody gets a different partner.

Cat: Alright, Shane and I Vs Luke and Joey next!

Uggh! I wanted to team with Shane! Not her or Luke, no offense Luke I just wanted to be on my boyfriend's team.

Joey: How about me and Shane Vs Cat and Luke instead?

"Yeah sure" Luke said winking at me, knowing I loved Shane he let me be on his team. I hadn't told Luke that Shane and I were in a relationship. Shane and I were too far ahead to say we were dating.

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