Chapter 110: Make It Special

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[Joey's POV]

Joey: How are you feeling?

Shane: I'm okay.

Joey: I'm always here, Shane.

Shane: I know... I just wish she was here too.

Yesterday was probably the hardest thing Shane has gone through. He had to watch as his mom was buried. Now he had to be at her house, going through all of her possessions, including pictures, all of the things she had kept from when fans sent Shane stuff and all of the memories Shane had from this house.

Shane was collecting picture frames from the fire place and putting them inside boxes that we were going to take back to our apartment with us.

Shane: It hasn't hit me yet that she's gone. It's like she's on a vacation or something, a vacation that will never end.

Joey: I don't want to say she's in a better place... because who knows. But I do know that no matter what, you made her very proud to be your mom Shane, making me very proud to be the fiancé of her son.

Shane bowed his head down and smiled, looking down at one of the pictures he had lifted from the mantelpiece.

Joey: That's like the first time you've smiled in days.

Shane: What can I say? You made me.

I smiled back at him. This is what I needed to do, I had to make him happy. Even though it may take a lot of work after his mom passing away, I'll try and keep the man I love his normal uplifting, happy self. Otherwise I might lose him, he lose his personality and become a different Shane.

Shane: Well this is new.

Joey: What is it?

"Here." He said handing me over a frame. Inside was a picture of me us from the moment he proposed to me. Shane was knelt down with the ring in hand, I was in awe. Happiest moment of my life?

Joey: Aww! I never knew she had a picture of us together sitting around.

Shane: Same...

Shane flipped the frame over and tore off the back. He took out the photograph and I'm sure he was about to cry again, so I reacting my throwing my arms around him and holding him tight.

Shane: Joey, I'm okay.

Joey: I don't want you to be upset.

Shane: Well, I'm not upset in a sad way...

Joey: What do you mean.

He held the photo out with his palm, waiting for me to take it.

Shane: Read the back.

Even I began crying.

Joey: Shane, oh my God.

Shane: See what I mean!

I re-read the note on the back, aloud this time.

Joey and Shane Graceffa, my son and his amazing husband.

Joey: We aren't even married yet.

Shane: You heard what I said yesterday, she wanted us to get married and have a future together.

Joey: But it says husband.

Shane: She believed in us maybe?

Joey: I like how she also gave you my name!

Shane: Yeah, I like it.

Again, Shane wiped a tear from his eye. I hate seeing him cry, but at least this time he was happy.

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