Chapter 6: Red

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They just stared. The silence was unbearable for the blond as she sat on a boulder that happened to be in the middle of the cave. Deidara and Sasori stared at her, mostly Deidara.

“Y-You can talk…in Japanese!”

Shakirie rubbed the back of her head and chuckled weakly, “Yeah…Rayne thought it would be a good idea to speak in Romanian to strangers until we think that they wouldn’t kill us…so yeah…sorry.”

However, Deidara did not just glared at her, no he growled at her while she felt something wrap around her and push her against the wall. “I told you we shouldn’t help them…”

Sasori tighten the chakra strings around her waist as she took a shaky breath, “You know this really hurts.”

“Hm,” Deidara moved closer to her and lifted her face, “They’re supposed to hurt.”

Shakirie stared at the pair of blue eyes before she smiled a bit, “Well that would work on me…if I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Taking her hand, she lifted it up to his stomach, “I’M IRONMAN BITCH!!!”

A massive lightning bolt exploded from her hand as she pushed away Deidara and rip the chakra ropes off. Shakirie jump away with the wind she summoned and bolted close to the mouth of the cave. Suddenly an explosion appeared in front of her and she found herself staring at Deidara, who glared at her. He reached out towards her but she ducked just in time as she delivered a swift kick to his side.

Deidara jump back again when Sasori appeared and his tail snap towards her like a scorpion. It kept on striking until she reached a corner and slip to the cold earth as the tail’s tip struck to the stone above her.

“Whoa, that is awesome,” she muttered before she used the wind to drag her away from the tail as it slam down to where she was. Jumping away a few feet away she smiled again, “Whoa, it looks like you both are actually trying to kill me…” she ducked again when a clay bird flew above her and landed on the other side of the cave. Looking at the puppeteer and the terrorist she shook her head, “You are actually are trying to kill me…well that sucks.”

While she was staring at Sasori she didn’t realize that another puppet had appeared behind her. Arms wrap around her waist, grabbing and holding her arms down while the chakra strings held the rest of her. Looking back she found a familiar red head with brown eyes.

Deidara whistled as he watched at the puppet continue to move, “Whoa didn’t think that she would pull you out of your shell Sasori-dana, hm.”

“She grew annoying and I had to hold her down since you were failing so terrible.”

Looking back she seemed to smile even wider, “You are actually cuter up front…” He raised a brow at her as she turned a little in his arms. Shakirie even smiled wider when he turned a bit as well to get a better look at her. However her smile turned into a frown as she looked forward, “And here I thought I would join your group, but if this is how women are treated I think I’ll skip it.” Taking a deep breath blew something that made their eyes grow wide. With the wind adding a bit of an effect, she created a flaming fire dragon that seemed to grow and follow the two Akatsuki.

Sasori panic and released Shakirie, who stayed still and watched as the dragon she created circle around her. However, as she was staring at the magnificent flame, something swallowed her from behind and her world was covered in darkness, “Hay!”

 Muffled voices were heard in the surrounding area while she looked around at the darkness. Touching the ground around them, she found herself touching something warm and soft. With a snap of her fingers she created a small flame and found herself staring face to face with Gaara. A frown appeared on her face as she touched his skin. He still continued to breath, but it was slow and shallow and that caused her to frown.

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