Chapter 28: Choices

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Four grueling days has passed since they group discovered the vessels past. The shock from seeing Life and Death had finally worn out and began to speak freely to the both of them once more. The first day was a long massive discussion on what they should do from now on. Rayne wanted to return to the Fire Temple for a few days to recover but Shakirie instantly shot that down. The vessel of Death stated that living with the monks would bring animosity between Deidara and Itachi to the monks. She then suggested that they would return to the Leaf Village but once more was shot down by Rayne.

“We can’t go there, Shakirie,” groaned Rayne.

The group had decided to rest by the stream, drinking the water and having a fruit snack that Rayne had created. Shakirie was glaring at Rayne, her arms crossed.

“We have to, Danzou needs to be out of the picture. No if, ands, or buts, about it!”

Rayne glared, “But is killing him even worth it?”

“You know why we have to!” she snarled.

Rayne looked away, her brows furrowed. Though she did not like the idea, she knew that it had to happen. Sighing, she held her legs closer to her chest and placed her forehead on her knees. Shakirie stared at her for a moment before groaning, kicking the Latin a kick to her foot, she pointed to the Karin and Suigetsu. Both were once again arguing to one another, shouting at the top of their lungs. What they didn’t realized that they were right beside a flowing river.

With a wide smile, Rayne waved her hand. The reaction was instant. A massive wave of water engulfed them both before spitting them out. Both of them gasp and cough before sending a sharp glare to her. Shrugging her shoulders she looked to the clear sky.

“Where are we gonna go?”

Shakirie looked to the sky as well, “… Maybe going to the Fire Temple wouldn’t be that bad. If only we can convince Itachi and Deidara to leave-” A sudden mass of black clothes were dumped on the girls. Yelping, they removed the cloak to see both former Akatsuki members standing.

“What’s the point in staying with them, un? They’re just gonna be disbanded soon with so many of our members dying, hmm.” Deidara laughed, crossing his arms.

Itachi smiled but before he could speak, Sasuke approached Rayne. He had a puzzling look on his face. Standing in front of Rayne, he asked, “Didn’t you say your friend had a crush of Itachi?”

Everyone looked at him. What on earth had made the normally stoic Uchiha ask a question like that? However, a smirk appeared on his face when he heard the older Uchiha stutter and Shakirie’s face turning beet red. Then it was quiet. The reaction was instant and Rayne ducked as a burning fireball was aimed directly to her. Turning around she bolted.

Sasuke never lost the smirk on his face as he watched the two, mainly Shakirie attack each other. Glancing at Itachi, he smiled some more letting the older Uchiha form a very light blush. He was about to tease him again when Itachi leaned forward and a small tap was on his forehead. Eyes wide, gaped as the older brother gave the younger a smile. A scream brought their attention to the two girls. Shakirie was on top of Rayne, choking her. To break up the fight, Itachi picked up the blond while Rayne took the opportunity to run away and hide in a tree.

The road towards the Fire Temple was a light one. No one was out to kill them at the moment, leaving each of them feeling slightly relax. A full day had pass and the group decided to rest underneath a canopy of trees just a few meters behind the river. Instead of resting on the group as they did before, Rayne had formed four small tree houses. Claiming one for herself, she jumped to the highest tree and closed the shades once her trusty owl flew in.

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