Chapter 11: Ghosty!

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Unlink the other trips that they had taken on her plane, this one was one of the roughest flights she had ever experienced! Though her newer model represented what a propeller plane would look like, it was the hardest to control. Kakashi tried to control where they were going, but the plane simply refused and the winds that she could use were either to weak or too strong to support it. The plane jerked again, as she finally stood up,

“Alright everyone, I’m gonna land this sucker and we’ll just run there!”

They all too heartily agreed. Stomping the floor, the entire plane collapsed into wood and leaves. Then she paused. Looking down she began to curse, “NOT AGAIN!” They were eight stories high when she disassembles the plane. Gathering the winds around them, she was able to soften the blow to the forest before…though she still managed to land on her back. Grumbling under her breath she shifted herself in a sitting position and looked around.

Though she had experienced forest from the Land of River, she did not expect Konohagakure to have such massive trees. Everything seemed to loom over her as the sun was still high in the air, though if she continued to stare at the trees she would be here all night too. Sitting up she looked around to see if any of the shinobis had landed near here. The evidence of her plane lay scattered around her but no shinobis were near here. Frowning she closed her eyes to see if she could hear anything, but the rustling leaves continued to throw off her concentration. Sighing, she grabbed her bag that landed next to her and began to wonder around the forest.

The forest was indeed impressive. The trunks of the trees were easily as wide as a bus and it always made her constantly look around. Every so often she would hear the sound of rustling leaves and looked back to see a single deer or doe prancing around before they paused before they hop away. As she passed another massive branch something screeched above her causing her to look up to see doe feathers falling as a frantic owl tried to fly.

It was a small grey owl, possibly only 1’6 feet tall, struggling to untangle itself in a web of vines, probably from her plane. It continued to screech as it tried to fly away. Looking closer she noticed that the vine was holding the owl’s leg down. Walking to the tree, she placed both her hands on the trunk and concentrated. She felt the tree vibrate with her will as the branches that were near the owl began to twist and turn, acting like hands in order for the owl to be release. When the branch lifted the vine away from the owl the poor thing literally fell from the skies without any control what so ever.

Gathering the winds around the owl, she began to glide the small owl down before it literally floated right in front of her. She tried to smooth down its agitated feathers, but the owl simply snapped its’ beak at her. Ignoring the owl, she simply continued to smooth down the sensitive doe feathers. Rayne love owls, they were simply amazing and secretive, especially when she tried to see if she can spot one. This owl was the first one she had ever seen up close, and it was one of the most unique ones she had seen. It was a sooty owl, with a pattern of grey and brown feathers dotted with white specks, white feathers covered its face while large black eyes continued to stare at her, its’ beak covered with the sensitive doe feathers, but if you looked closely, she could see it opening and closing as if trying to decide whether or not to snap at her.

Still stroking its’ feathers she spoke softly to it, “See, I’m not gonna hurt ya,” she cooed as she tried to lifted it off the wind that had gathered around the owl. The owl stared at her suspiciously as she gently placed her arm underneath its sharp claws. Humoring her, the owl landed on her arm, gripping tightly to see the human’s reaction. Though Rayne felt the sharp claws grip her arm, she ignored it and continued to whisper calming words to the owl, “There now, see I’m not gonna harm such a pretty owl like you.” The owl puffed up its’ chest, absorbing the flattering remarks from Rayne. Giggling a bit she watched as the owl stretched up its’ wings, preparing to fly only to screech again as it flapped haphazardly, before landing roughly to the ground.

Just Traveling!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ