Chapter 10: First Solo Mission

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Since she had returned from the Village of Artisans she had been given different jobs to suit her skills, especially with her ability to fly and create a massive force of devastation in her wake, she was given a job to leave no evidence behind in the most gruesome fashion. In her path of the combination of fire and lightning, with her mind completely focus she is able to make complete areas vanish without touching any of the wildlife around it. All that would have been left where craters of homes and buildings.

It was in the late afternoon when she returned from a successful bounty hunt with Kakuzu and Hidan when she stumbled onto the rec center where the other members would relax before their next mission was given. In the room were Deidara, Hidan, and Konan. She really hasn’t talked to the blue haired kunoichi, she already knew who she was and why she should stay away from her. Deidara, on the other hand was a bit different from what she imagine. Don’t get her wrong, but throughout the series he always appeared with his arrogant attitude and his nonstop blabber of art, but when he was on break he seemed a bit quieter and always messing with his art to create new creatures and how they could be useful for a mission. Next to him was a small journal of all the things he had made with his bare hands. Right now that was exactly what he was doing, so she decided to grab her book that was in her pocket and sit down next to him, though not as close.

She was reading on of the books she found on the market, something like Japanese for Dummies, when Hidan stepped behind her. She knew it was him since she could feel his hatred for her ripple the air around the room. Ignoring his presence she continued to read while taking a pencil and highlighting all the information that was relevant to her. The air shifted and she jumps away from the incoming triple red scythe. Looking up from her book she smirked. Around his middle was the stitching evidence of her ripping him in half. It was purely accidental since he was dumb enough to run into a highly concentrated wind that was shredding the area around her. Though for some reason he still blamed her and claims that she did it on purpose.

Blinking she looked up to see the rage glowing in his eyes, “I’ll sacrifice you to Jashin for what you done to me.” A psychotic glee appeared on his features, “He’ll bathe in your blood and torture you mind and soul.”

Raising a blond brow, she sat right back down on another chair and opened her book, “…” she spoke absolutely nothing to him as she continued to read, though a smirk seem to appear on her face.

This caused his face to grow red as he lifted his scythe over his head. Jumping from the couch he shouted, “How dare you just sit there!” His scythe sliced down at her, however the wind she created for a tight barrier around her that blocked the scythe, “What?!”

Not even looking up from her book she lifted her hand up to face Hidan and gave him a quick wave. The results were instantaneous. Hidan flew across the room and slam to the wall near Konan, who was sipping tea and reading the newspaper. Looking up she gave the Jashinist a blank look, “This is the third time you tried to kill her and failed, when are you going to give up.”

Growling he pulled himself out of the wall and glared at her, his hand clutching his weapon tightly, “That bitch is going to die, whether by my hand or by Jashin.”

Snapping her book shut she stood up and stared at him. Giving him a sneer she waved her hand again and pushed him back into the wall. Hearing a crack followed by a cry of pain made her chuckle as she walked out of the room and head towards the outside. She was walking around the top of the building when she felt something disturb the air. Looking to her right, she opened the window and dove outside. She knew she was possibly twenty to forty stories high in the air, but she was fine. Twisting her body around her she found Hidan glaring outside the window, yelling profanity at her. With a simply gesture of her own, the birdy, she gathered the wind around her and began to fly around the building before picking a window to enter.

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