Chapter 22: How I Became

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One whole week…

One whole mind numbing week had brutally passed for the blond as she laid bored on her king size bed. Shakirie has already watched all the shows that were on her seventy inch plasma widescreen T.V and instantly grew bored. However that wasn’t the worst of it. For four days Pein had constantly appeared on her room, testing both the limits of her power and patients before she literally blew him across the room in sheer agitation. Three days passed and she hasn’t heard a single word from him.

So far from what she has discovered is that Hidan and Kakuzu had finally died, especially after she was left alone yesterday, locked in her room. There were now six people were left in the Akatsuki, leaving a small hallow pit in her stomach as she thought about how she wouldn’t see them again. However that instantly disappeared as she remembered that they were nothing but killers that really got on her nerves. Though her small pity for the two quickly disappeared, her boredom took over once more.

Grumbling under her breath, she rolled over her bed, landing on a small gust of wind so that she wouldn’t feel the horrible pain of the hard floor. Continuing to lay on the gust of wind, she closed her eye and saw Death staring at her with bored gold eyes.

“How long are you planning to remain captive in this place?” he asked lazily, a clawed had holding his long slender jaw.

Yawning, Shakirie walked towards him. At first she was apprehensive at approaching the large dragon, but over time she simply grew used to his intimidating look. Flopping to the ground, she causally leaned against his rough side, relishing the warmth that pulsed through his scaled body.

“That’s a good question, but the problem is where would I go?”

Death blinked slowly before waving his other hand in front of her. A large screen developed in the mindscape showing the large map of the Naruto world. “You can easily travel back to the Sand Village, news of the Two Spirits in the world once more must have traveled to their home. They can grant protection and sanctuary from both the Akatsuki and The Village Hidden in the Ash.”

Sighing, she shook her head, “I can’t remember? Sunagakure is way too close to Hai-hagakure,” a small shiver passed through her. “I don’t ever want to see Ryuu ever again. He’s way to over obsessive for an Yōgankage.” Growling a bit, she waved her hands dramatically, “I can’t believe he would literally kidnapped and brainwash me!”

A loud sigh vibrated the air as he lowered his head to the ground, “For as long as I can remember, that village has always been like that. Especially all the kages that I’ve seen.”

Opening her eyes, she glanced up at the large frightening head of the dragon. “…How old are you?”

Those glowing gold eyes turned to face her, “Longer than you, your friend, and your whole planet combined.”

Shakirie’s mouth gaped open, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”

The dragon gave her a dry low chuckle before he sighed and looked at the empty darkness that continued to surround them. “No…”

With a small frown, she leaned against his side, “Tell me about your first vessel that you decided to bother.”

Giving a small look to her, he blinked slowly, “Very well… However if you are to fully understand who the first vessel was and how he came to be, I must explain my own creation…”

It was a very long time ago when I first opened my eyes to the total darkness of the world. I wasn’t sure of my existence at first, deeming the darkness as nothing but a void of emptiness a sure sign that I didn’t exist. However… during that time in that void, I began to grow curios of why I was able to process any thoughts if I was surrounded by the blackness of the world. So during then I began to experiment.

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