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"Hello, this is Detective Collins. Some of my agents are flying in this afternoon, I've sent them your address and if it works with you, you can all meet up noon tomorrow?"

"Oh, sure," I agreed.

"Okay, it's been nice talking to you, Minx."

"Okay, thank you," I said plainly.

He hung up and I filled Joe in on all the information.

"I'm nervous because he won't give me any information on what has happened," I groaned, rubbing my temples in hopes of relieving my headache.

"It'll be okay, baby," Joe smiled.

"No!" I heard Noelle screeched.

I left my room and went to see why she was screaming.

"Noah, give Noelle her toy back," I said, taking the toy from Noah and giving back to Noelle to stop her crying, only to make Noah start crying.

"Shush, Noah," Joe said, lifting him up and holding him.

"I think he's needs a nap to be honest, I should've put him down for a nap almost an hour ago," I shook my head, taking Noah from Joe.

"Okay baby," Joe nodded, sitting down to play with Noelle, who was pulling on his pant leg for him to play with her.

I rocked Noah and got him to fall asleep and laid him in his cot. Joe and I had brought the cot from his flat too and had Noelle sleep in that one so then Joe and I could both sleep in my bed again.

"No!" Noelle giggled as she took a toy from Joe.

She then gave him a different one and she played.

"What are you two playing?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Joe whispered to me as I sat on the sofa.

Noelle babbled away as she played, Joe and I not being able to understand what she was saying.

"I am so f.ucking exhausted," I groaned quietly, playing with Joe's hair as he sat on the ground in front of me and held one of Noelle's toys.

"Go take a nap," Joe suggested.

"My headache is pounding my head too much, I need some acetaminophen."

I found some medicine and swallow a pill before relaxing on the sofa, watching Joe and Noelle play.

"Are you tired?" Joe asked Noelle as she let out a big yawn.

Noelle nodded her head and grabbed her blankie. Joe lifted her up and carried her into the crowded bedroom. It's difficult having such a small bedroom with two babies and the big bed in it.

"We should look for a new place soon. Noah's only going to get older," Joe said as he came back out of my room and sat on the sofa with me.

"I know, I just feel like we have a lot going on right now," I nodded.

"We do, baby," Joe breathed, "It's been a big change having to suddenly take care of two babies that are only nine months apart."

"Mhm," I agreed.

"We never do anything fun anymore," I groaned, wallowing in my misery.

"Well, once everything clears up and we know what's happening, we'll be able to do more. But I agree, life has changed a lot since our wedding."

"But I still love you," I smiled.

"I love you too Minxie," Joe smiled.

I leaned in to give him a kiss, as he rested his hands on my waist, pullimg me closer.

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