Chapter 2

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It had been three weeks since my mom brought Harry over. Much to my surprise, he's managed to stay around. My mom has been home more often and every time he is right there with her. It is a bit annoying. I was used to being alone and having peace and quiet... But now, they'll be sitting in the living room until late hours talking loudly and drinking alcohol.

Though I've noticed Harry didn't usually drink as much as my mother. He only had a few and then left. Unless it was a weekend, he stayed the night.

I tried not to talk to him as much but he always started up a conversation with me. I stuck with short replies and head nods so that he got the hint I wasn't really up for talking.

I got an odd vibe from him. I came to find out he was 23 years old. Closer to me than my mother's age. I thought that was indescribably weird and gross. It wasn't that he was weird or anything, because he isn't. It's just that he's always so close to me and touchy.

"Mia?" I heard my mother call.

"Yeah?" I grumbled. I really didn't want to do chores today. I knew that's what she would ask. Dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting.... Ugh, it was all horrible.

"I got called in to work, so Harry is going to bring you by some food later, okay? I told him pizza."

"Harry's coming here?" I asked, more alert than before.

"Yes Hun, I haven't been to the store so unless you want wheaties for dinner he's coming."

"I'll have wheaties." I groaned.

"Too late. He's already on his way here from work. He should be about half an hour. I don't know when I'll be home." She gave me a half-hug before leaving.

Great. Time to get eye molested by Harry all night.

He showed up in an hour and a half with two pepperoni pizzas from Papa Johns. I grew a tiny bit of excitement as I was about to crush a whole box by myself.

"Your mother won't be home until 3AM." He said, putting the pizza on the table.


"I'm gonna stay here and make sure you're being good and that you're safe."

"I didn't need it before you started dating my mom, I don't need it now." I rolled my eyes. The worst thing about him is that he's always trying to tell me what to do just because he's "dating" my mom. Also, when he's only 6 years ahead of me, I'm obviously not going to comply.

"Well I'm going to stay here anyway."

"I don't need you to."

"I didn't ask."

"K." I huffed, grabbing a slice of the greasy pizza.

"Can I get a thank you?"

"thanks." I stared at him plainly. He was wearing a pair of tight khaki pants and a light blue button up. As much as I was attracted to him, I still didn't like him all that much.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked, leaning against the counter, clasping his tattooed, ring clad hands together.

"I didn't say I didn't." I lied.

"You don't have to speak. Your actions tell me that you dislike me... for what reason?"

"Because you spend three weeks here and think you're some sort of dad to me."

"I very well can be." He smirked.

"Well, you know what.." I laughed, sarcastically. "That's pretty gross."

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