Chapter 27

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Harry and I arrived at the OBGYN, and we walked in together , not really saying much. We hadn't even talked about the whole thing. He definitely wasn't happy at all and that worried me deeply.

"Ms.Love?" A lady came out in a white coat after several minutes of not so patient waiting.

"Come on." Harry said, standing. I followed him in to the room.

"We aren't going to give you an ultra sound, we usually do that at 8 weeks. If your blood test today comes back positive, we will schedule another appointment for an ultrasound."

"Right." I nodded, taking a seat.

"This blood test will see if their is hCG in your blood stream. Which means human chronic gonadotropin, if it is there that means that a fertilized egg is attached to your uterus." She explained. I never listened in FACS class... So I'm not sure what any of this means.

She cleaned my wrist with an antiseptic and then enlarged my vein. She began drawing the blood and Harry held my hand the entire time even though I told him I wasn't scared of needles.

"You're the dad of the baby, right?" The woman asked.

"Of course." He nodded.

"It'll be a beautiful baby, if we have a yes." She smiled. I immediately got jealous. I knew she was calling Harry attractive without really saying it.

"Well his or her mother is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He smiled, and I smiled back. He was so sweet.

"Well, we will test that blood now, it'll be about an hour or so, so you two can check back at about 12."

"Thank you." I smiled as she put a bandage on my wrist.

Harry and I climbed in the car and he began driving. "Want to go to lunch?"

"Sure." I smiled.

We arrived at McDonald's and began to eat. I decided I'd had enough of the silence so I asked him what has been on my mind.

"What if I am pregnant , harry?" I asked.

"Then you'll be pregnant. It'll be ours."

"Are you upset over it? At all."

"Well, I'm not thrilled. You know that I'm not ready. I like to take things slow. This isn't necessarily slow." He shrugged. "I'll be here though, with you. We will be together."

My heart warmed at his words. I'm so glad he isn't upset over it and angry about t.

"I thought you'd be devastated." I sighed.

"Well, I'm not happy and I'm not going to be pissed off about it for the whole time. It happened, we did it , it's our fault. Excitement will settle in for both of us soon. This is our baby."

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you, too. But I don't think we should tell your dad until you've graduated and we've got an actual ultra sound and we see the little thing in there."


We went back and the practitioner woman told me that the HCG levels would double every two days the first four weeks. They measured the levels of it in my blood and were able to determine how far along I was and that I was in fact carrying a small peanut in my belly.

"You are pregnant, that is for sure. You're about two weeks along. Close to three."

Harry squeezed my hand I gave a sigh.

"We will set an appointment up for an ultrasound. June 26th."

"June 26th." I nodded. "Thank you."

"Does that mean our baby is due in January?" Harry asked.

"January, yes." She smiled. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Harry and I said at the same time.

I guess it was official. I was pregnant. But, Harry still wouldn't believe it until he saw it.

"I want to believe it, but I just don't." He huffed. "I don't believe I'm a daddy."

"You've already been a daddy before." I smiled, innocently.

"Mhm." He smirked. "But, I just want to see it babe."

"I want to see it for myself as well."

I didn't know how my father would react, but I guess we would tell him after we see the baby ourselves. I'm sure he would be upset , but I wasn't really scared of what he would say. I am no longer in school and I can make my own decisions.

And my own mistakes.

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