Hi anyone!

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As you know i have started a part two. It is called Mrs.Styles. The book hasn't been as popular as I had hoped it would be. I can understand why, though. It is no longer about sex, it is mainly just drama with a tiny bit of smut added every few chapters.

With that being said, I will be taking a break from writing Harry and Mia's second adventure. I have been more interested in writing a new story.

It is called Bedevil. It gives off that "After" Harry vibe without totally copying someone's plot. If you would, check it out! There's a few chapters up and I am hoping to get some feedback to see if I should continue writing on here!

Thank you all so much for your comments and hearts on this story! I love talking to all of you and i enjoy seeing your reactions to how the story twists and turns! I love each and every single one of you!. Without you all, I am not
sh!t on here!

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