Chapter 30

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This is terribly long and much happens during this chap.
Thanks for reading.


"Dad." I called, sweetly. It'd been a week since the ultrasound and I hadn't talked to Harry but three days out of seven. I have only seen him once, though. He was the one who would randomly stop texting me and my mind raced with things that he could be doing.

I decided that since Harry wouldn't come over right now, then I would just tell my father all by myself that I was pregnant. I hoped for the best , I caught him in a good mood. A great mood actually.

"Come in." He called from his study. I'd only been in here twice since I've lived here. It was monumental. Classier and older looking than Harry's office. Still beautiful all the same.

"So, I don't really know how to break this to you, but about 9 weeks or so ago, Harry and I went to the doctor and we discovered I might had been pregnant." I explained. My father's face fell from a smile to stone cold in a millisecond.

"Let me explain!" I held my hands up in defense. "So we went to have an ultrasound last week and we actually saw the baby. We didn't want to tell you until we saw for ourselves, but I hope you're not disappointed in me."

"Your mother told me you were a good kid." My father shook his head. "She said you were this lonely little girl and the only thing you kept your nose in was a book! She said you'd never even had friends over let alone a boyfriend your whole life!"

"I am a good person!" I said, offended. "I'm a great person, actually."

"You've ruined your life, Mia Denise." He held his hand up, shunning me.

"It is my life. And in my eyes, I've ruined nothing but everything you have ever worked for since I moved in."

"The only thing you've ruined for me was my relationship with Emerald, and maybe that's a good thing. But we are talking about us! Not my life and what I do."

"I'm 18, I'm graduated, I'm old enough to start my own life without parental guidance and you can't even really be disappointed in me!"

"Yes I can! I'm your father and I know you've always wanted to do something with yourself, I know you want further education and I know you want to work for something of your own! Not get pregnant."

"Either way I go, I will do great at whatever life throws at me."

"Surely you'll be a good mother to your child, you will obviously want to do better than your own mom did for you. Unless of course you turn out just like her."

"Why would you even say that?"

"I care about you, Mia. And if you want your life to go in the right direction, a baby is not the path to go down right now."

"What're you saying?" I spat, disgusted. He was hinting at what I hated more than anything else on this planet. Abortion.

"I'm saying if you want your life to be the way you want it, abort the baby while you can."

"No." I stood. I wouldn't do that if Harry held me at gun point. He didn't have to help me or be around me or my baby if he didn't want to. If he didn't want it, he didn't have to have it. But I would never in my life kill an unborn child no matter how many weeks pregnant I am. I could never forgive myself I would inhumane. I'm no better than anyone else and I would never take away someone's chance to live no matter what the circumstances.

"No?" He retorted.

"No. And you can't change my mind and Harry can't either!" I shouted, storming out of his office. And nosey ass Emerald stood beside the door with her ear pressed against the wall.

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