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This is probably the only chapter that will be in 3rd person, so if you are not a 3rd person POV person (try saying that ten times fast), it's only for now. Enjoy!

It was dark outside. The wind howled and the last sign of green leaves blew along with the wind. Fall was approaching; and so was the first day of school. Cider looked out her window and sighed. She couldn't see the sun, and it was three in the morning. She watched the street lamps flicker off and on, just waiting for the moment they lost power all together. But they never did. They always held on to whatever they could. She smiled in her mind, keeping a straight face on her mouth.

School. School would we coming up tomorrow, and she didn't know what she'd tell Elsie. Something happened over summer that changed Cider, causing her to refrain from talking to anybody. She would stay in her room, watching cars go by and rain thud against the windowsill. Her mother would knock lightly on her door and say, "Cilerinne, please come out. At least to eat breakfast." But she wouldn't.

She'd tell her she was doing some pre-senior studying, but her mother knew that wasn't true. Yet she didn't say a word.

But outside, something was stirring. The wind carried hints of uncertainty. Within the trees in the forest nearby Cider's house were four wolves, stalking in the shadows. "I feel the pull here. It's so strong, I just wanna-" one wolf with black-tipped crimson fur said eagerly, licking his lips, but another one with dark brown fur, a black tail, and a black streak down its back stepped forward. "No. Control yourself. We have to keep calm while we're here. If this is where our parents said we're staying, let's try to be normal."

"Are you sure one year is enough?" The third one, a white wolf with blonde around his right eye and ears asked timidly. "Yeah." The last one, with light brown and white fur smiled.

However, they weren't just normal wolves. They were werewolves.

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