Chapter 14: Purrfect

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Cider's POV

I woke up with a yawn. It was Saturday, and I didn't have work today, nor tomorrow. Gosh, I can't stand that job. It's too frilly and pink in that dang restaurant. I'm gonna hurt somebody if I see them wearing that pastel pink that's all over Coco's.

Anyways, I sat up and stretched in nothing but shorts and my bra. Elsie questions my sanity because she can't understand how anyone can sleep in it because it's 'uncomfortable', but I'm not complaining because I'm so naturally hot (not that kind of hot, I'm not a bith. Yes, a bith), I always try to dress lightly. I hate the heat and love the cold, so I just don't wear a shirt. Simple as that.

I zombie walked over to my dresser and pulled out a plain black tee and black leggings with flowers on them, putting them on after taking off my shorts. I brushed my hair because I can't stand when it has bumps and tangles in it and but it into a high ponytail. I went downstairs and noticed a note on the front door that was in pink. I stomped up to it and read it before ripping it to absolute shreds.

Dear Cilerinne,
I'm running some errands like stocking the pantry
and fridge. There's a bagel in the fridge that you
can torture to death with peanut butter, jelly,
butter, etc. Just make sure it'll live to see the
day you eat it! Love you, and be back soon.

Sighing, I threw the shreds into the trash can and went to the fridge to find a plain wheat bread bagel. I knew this wasn't the best breakfast in the world, especially on a day like today, but I'm not complaining. Mom and I are poor, so it's gonna be the best bet. Well, by poor I mean we can't spend on anything we don't absolutely need. We're not dirt poor; living off of snails poor. We're just not rich.

I smeared some peanut butter on one of the halves I cut without cutting the heck out of them and pressed it together to form a whole bagel. I bit into it, smiling. Hell, I love bagels. I'd marry bagels if I could. But then I had in idea. I set my bagel down on the counter and raced across the kitchen, opening and shutting drawers until I found the ones with a few candles shoved in with the pot holders and chopsticks that we get from Chinese restaurants. I took a tiny one that was yellow with a thin white stripe that spiraled down it and pushed it slightly into the bread on one side, making sure to shut the drawer.

Next, I opened one drawer that I new by heart and looked at the objects. There were scissors, tape, some hair ties, and most importantly, a lighter. It was one of those large lighters with a handle so it'd be easier to use. Honestly, I can't use he regular small lighters, and neither can Mom.

Intricately, I lit the candle, set down the lighter, closed my eyes, and made a wish, blowing out the candle. "Happy eighteen, Cider." I sighed.

Did Mom forget to mention happy birthday? Nah, I know her. She's busy and all, but she'd remember her only daughter's birthday...right?

So after eating breakfast, I decided to go out. I kept what I had on but threw on some fuzzy purple socks and some white Vans. I wrote a note on a blue sticky note (my favorite color, preferably turquoise), and left it on the counter where Mom would set the groceries.

I just went to the Sonic down the road. I might go to the mall, I hope that's okay. Be safe, and if you need anything, just call or text.
P.S. The bagel rests in peace THIS TIME >:D

Yeah, it's our inside joke. When I first learned to use a knife, I beat the everliving sh*t out of a poppyseed bagel. I was trying to smear butter on it delicately, and in my mind, I was doing it like the Queen of England would. But in reality, let's just say there was nothing left to eat, I was bleeding, and I was grounded from knives until i was ten. I was seven. Almost eight. That was also back when Mom was with Brunard; it was also when he was unknowingly in a relationship with the Blazer's cheerleading co-captain.

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