Chapter 42: Sacrifice

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Seriously, I have serious issues on making people get raped and kidnapped...heh heh. Well surprise! Another person's getting kidnapped in, like, idk five chaps? That should be the last one...

OKAY PERSONAL TOPIC. This is personal, okay? not really. I'm gonna go see 5 Seconds of Summer in August. My problem: Luke gf is making the band fight! Like mainly Michael and Luke (they fight all the time lol it's only play fighting tho).

Luke, break up with yo half-ass girlfriend and go get with Michael already!

I hope they're okay by the time my concert comes around...I ship Muke so hard. I eat Muke for bekfist, lurch, and danner.

Without further ado, hell——I mean the chappy!

Cider's POV

Screams could be heard from Blackwell's room. Juni, Ari, and I were sitting at the cell bars (our window), waiting for Pablo to get back. We all had some baggy tees on (Ari hasn't been assaulted yet. Juni gave her one of his) and remained silent. The shrieks weren't as loud as mine or as painful-sounding, but you could still tell that he was in pain. Altogether they stopped, and footsteps were heard. The door opened, Pablo was set on the bed, and the door shut, locked.

"Pablo, are you okay?" Juni asked, standing up. We stood up as Pablo walked over to us weakly.

"I heard him talking about getting Ari in two hours." he said, and I saw Ari's eyes widened.

"We have to get out." She looked at me. "Break the bars or something."

"Wait, how can you break the bars?" Pablo asked.

I went over to the bars and pushed two of them so it bended and made a hole. "It's too small..." I muttered.

"What the hell?!" Juni gaped.

"That's not even humanly possible!" Pablo gawked.

Shoot...Should I tell them? "Look, it's a long story." I sighed, punching the wall. Some bricks fell out, and I knew my knuckles would be bruised slightly. "Now that we're all here, let's go." I said, crouching through the hole.

They all followed, and we began running through the Undergrounds in nothing but large ass shirts. I grabbed onto Ari and Pablo, and he grabbed onto Juni, and I used my wolf speed to get us up to the sewers. Disgusting, filthy water was on the floor, but I didn't care. I rather walk in sh*t then stay in this hell.

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?" Juni questioned.

My eyes widened. "Wha?"

"Werewolves have the strength to do that, and the speed. We're not werewolves ourselves, but we know about them."

"We're gang leaders, and some of our members are werewolves. We aren't like Blackwell, though. And we only kill for a reason." Pablo explained, and I instantly felt a sense of uncertainty. A gang? "We've been in Blackwell's mansion for six months now. We owe you one."

"If you need anything, we can always help." Juni smiled as I climbed on Pablo and pushed a block off of the ceiling. I pushed myself off with Pablo boosting me up, and I helped Ari up first. I grabbed Juni and yanked him up since he was lighter, and then me and him helped Pablo up.

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