Chapter 5: 20 Questions

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Utica's POV

"I will rip your nuts out and staple them to your head!" I hissed at Tanner as we walked to Chemistry.

"Yeah? Why?" he chuckled, his cool breath hitting me.

"You know why!"


"You slapped my butt, you prick!"

"Oh yeah...that." Tanner chuckled, causing me to glare. We walked into class and saw our friends sitting at their tables, looking at us. He looked back at me and I smirked. "I swear I'll do it, Cunningham."

"Sure thing, Ladino." Tanner walked over to his table, where his friends were eyeing him, and I went over to sit at my table. Elsie, Cider, and Aria all stared at me with blank expressions.

"What? We have gym together!"

"You two look cute together." Ari smirked.

"Oh haaaayllll naw!" I retorted, pretending to choke my neck.

"He's getting his balls stapled to his head soon—" I said that part louder than necessary so he'd look over. "—so I don't think I'd go for him. And he's a player." I returned to my normal voice.

Elsie turned around and suddenly burst out laughing and began crying because she laughed so hard. "Okay, it was funny to an extent, but not that funny." I stated.

Aria started laughing too, and even Cider turned around and started laughing.

"What? Am I missing something here?" I furrowed my brow, but then I noticed what was going on behind me.

Tanner had a drawing of a...dingaling...taped to his head, and Ian was pretending to suck on it.

"Holy f*cking hell," I yelled, standing up. People were laughing still, but their attention was still on me. "It doesn't get gayer than that!"

Tanner grinned evilly as he walked over to be. My eyes widened and I pushed him away.

"One of us! One of us! One of us!" his friends began chanting, and Tanner joined in. All the boys started chanting as I was running around, and I looked over and saw Aria on the floor because she laughed so hard. I ran over to her quickly and whispered something to her, and she nodded amidst her tears. It was my turn to grin evilly.

Ari hopped back into her seat and pulled out a piece of paper. She scribbled a doodle of another thing, and went to Mr. S's desk, who I might add is not in the room, and and added tape to the top of it. She handed it to me as I ran by, and I stopped, letting Tanner approach me. He smiled, but before he could do whatever the heck we was going to do, I shoved the paper into his mouth and screamed, "Suck on this!"

I hopped onto my table and rolled back into my seat JUST as the bell rang. Everyone was dead when Mr. S came in. He eyed us suspiciously, but shrugged it off as he made us laugh probably even harder than Tanner and his floppy d*ckface.

•  •  •

"Good luck at tryouts, you guys." Elsie waved at us as she and Aria ran towards the auditorium.

"Likewise," Cider replied as we walked out the school doors and to the football field. Soccer, basketball, football, volleyball, cheer, and musical tryouts were all happening now. Baseball would start in the spring, but soccer was loved so much, the state gave it a fall and spring-summer season.

Cider and I walked silently as we sat down in the bleachers. I wonder why she's so distant? I thought. "Cider, what's up? You okay?"

She sighed. "Mhm." Was all she said. She's definitely hiding something. Elsie was right. You could see it in her eyes.

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