Chapter 1: New To This

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Okay, I know Aria is a common name, but her full name is Arianna, and she's called Ari too. So don't bail yet. Also, Aria is one of those stereotypical loners. She's also got some...issues...but it's her character. There are some cringy moments with her, but try not to judge her just yet. warned...there are some personal things in this book that I thought needed to be mentioned. Yes, there are those things in every single werewolf book you'll ever read, but please don't take it personally.

Read on, my lovely llamas!

Aria's POV


"Arianna Peyton Swits, get your lazy butt out of bed!"

"Wha-" Before I could respond, I felt the covers being ripped off of me. The cold instantly gave me goosebumps and I let out a whine. "Hurry up, your brothers are already downstairs eating breakfast. School is in twenty minutes." With that, my mom left my room and shut the door behind me. Wow, she was right. School was today. I can't wait to see my best friend, Hunter. He hasn't talked to me all summer, and now I can finally see him.

With a smile on my face, I raced to my closet and put on some black leggings and a crimson shirt with gray-ish white sleeves. I saw a white flannel hanging on a hanger, and decided to tie it around my waist. I laced up some hightop Converse, and rushed to my bathroom I share with my fourteen-year-old brother, and I quickly brushed my teeth while waiting for my flatiron to heat up.

After brushing my teeth, I quickly straightened my hair. It wasn't perfect, but it was decent enough. I sprinted back to my room, grabbed my Fall Out Boy backpack, my headphones, my phone, and I ran downstairs. Mom had left a granola bar out for me on the kitchen counter. She obviously knew I'd be late to wake up, so she didn't give me the luxury of eating homemade chocolate chip waffles.

"The bus is here!" Asher, my brother in fourth grade, exclaimed, running out the front door. Just in time, I thought. My other brothers ran out, and I followed them, opening the wrapper of the bar and throwing it on the front porch. I stuffed the granola into my mouth and hopped onto the school bus that stopped right in front of our house. The doors shut behind me as a flung myself into the seat upfront, the bus speeding away to pick up more students.

After we dropped off elementary schoolers and middle schoolers, we finally headed to the high school. Smiling at the bus driver, I hopped off and made my way to the front doors, looking for piercing turquoise eyes in the process. Unfortunately, I couldn't find them, so I sighed in defeat and sought out to find my locker; 135G. "Hmm..." I thought aloud, scanning the lockers in the G bank.

"My gosh, where is this stupid locker?" I heard somebody say behind me. I turned around to see a girl slightly shorter than me. She had short auburn hair and a super-tanned skin, but it was obvious she was, color. She wore a fern green tank top that didn't compliment her hair color, ripped jeans, and black flats. Her eyes were gray.

"!" she announced, pointing a finger at me.

"M-me?" I stammered, taken aback by the sudden assess.

The girl walked over to me and shoved her schedule in her face. She pointed at a number, 176F. "Can you help me find this locker?"

"Um...sure. It should be right across from this bank," I pointed across the hallway at the adjacent lockers across the hallway.

"Are you kidding me?" she gaped, staring at the lockers.

"Nope." I popped the 'P'.

"Well, I'm an idiot!" Her smile returned, making me question how cheerful one person can be. "I'm also Utica. But it's Ui for short. Yoo-ee."

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