Chapter 17: Secrets

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Top left is Elsie's, top right is Utica's, bottom left is Cider's, bottom left is Ari's. THEY SO BOOTIFUL! Also, the good part is coming up >:3 You know what I'm talking about *cough* the description of the book *cough* *cough* kidnapping *cough* AIAIAIAIAIIAAI *ahem* enjoy this normal chapter. For once, nothing big or bloody is happening. Praise the Lord 😊

Aria's POV

It's Sunday. Boring old Sunday. The sleepover ended yesterday, and the night ended off with Cider practically grinding on top of Elsie. I ship it. I sat alone on my listening to nightcore when Austin burst into the room and screamed, "Fire!"

"What?!" I yelled, falling off the bed backwards. Austin burst out laughing and I groaned, getting up. "You turd nugget!"

Laughing, he ran out and said, "Just kidding!"

Turd hole. I'll kill him. Well, I can't kill him without getting killed myself, so...You're lucky this time, Austin.

I walked out to the banister in my pajamas, which were purple shorts and a Melanie Martinez concert shirt, resting my arms along the wood. Someone was in the doorframe, talking with Asher. He was tall and kind of burly with freckles on his nose and black shaggy hair that had this quiff-curl-thingy in the front. "Hey squirt!" The man patted Asher's head and I flared my nostrils in disgust.

"I'm not a little kid anymore," Asher pulled back and I watched how the man looked heartbroken. "Sorry, Ash."

"Asher. Dad, that's Ashton's nickname." Asher corrected.

"Sorry. Where's Mom?"

"She's asleep."

"Ah, she's been working hard, eh?"

Asher nodded and walked back to the tv to watch more Steven Universe. He's in love with that show.

I heard a smirked behind me and turned to see Ashton, scowl on his face, arms resting on the banister next to mine. We both looked down at our "father" who set his black work bag by the door, and took of his shoes. "Arianna? Ashton?" he called.

"Arianna? Ashto—" His eyes met ours and he smiled, but we just went back to our rooms and shut the door. "Kids! I have a gift for you!" He wants to buy us back? What kind of Dad does he think he is?

"What are you doing here?" Mom said from downstairs. I crawled on the ground and quietly opened my door, and mentally high-fived Ash, because he was doing the same thing. "I wanted to spend time with my family." Dad answered.

"Oh really? No business meetings? No phone calls? No work?"

"No. I took off."

"Oh! So you'll be back in like what? Two weeks? You can't just assume that coming back will fix all of this!"

"I'm off until the end of Christmas break. I got a promotion, so I'll be working less and getting payed more."


"Yes. I'm so sorry I've been a horrible husband and a horrible father. Give me another chance! Please!"

They hugged and kissed a long but clean kiss. This was so cheesy it was as if I were watching a live sitcom. I almost threw up from the stupidness. "Okay." Mom smiled, and I got up. Ash looked at me like I was crazy, but I pulled him up too despite his efforts to stay down.

We walked down the stairs and sat on the fifth to the bottom step, breaking up their embrace. "You wanted to give us something?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Ah, yes!" Dad hurried over to us and dived his hands into his suit pockets and came up with two thin pieces of small paper. He hands one to each of us and I gasped. "This is too much!"

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