Chapter 27: Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum

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Let's take a moment in time to appreciate the 99 reads on the author's note, because Lord knows everyone skips it

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Let's take a moment in time to appreciate the 99 reads on the author's note, because Lord knows everyone skips it. We're almost to 100! Whoop! Whoop!

Well, there's gonna be a lot of Ui and Elsie and not a lot of the others for a few chaps, so prepare for #Eltica.

Pics are Wendy and Luke, I'm pretty sure you can tell who is who lel. Just imagine Wendy with a bigger stomach becuz da baby iz COMIN!!!

Ui's POV

Well, that asshole's "guards" let me out the next day and told me to go explore the castle and do whatever the hell I want. Oh, you have another thing coming. I was busy watching fifty or so guards plummet down the stairs because I pulled the red carpet from the top, making them trip.

"What the hell?" I turned to face Elsie.

"I'm giving them hell." I mumbled, smirking at the pile of guards in silver armor. Seriously, this place didn't belong in society. It was so old fashioned and medieval!

"Let's go get quills and draw on some walls. I'm gonna draw some penises, if they even know what those are." I sniggered.

"We actually know what penises are. We're not idiots." We turned to face Jamie and another guy who oddly looking a lot like him.

"Whatever is a penis?" The other guy furrowed his brows.

"Well, he is." Jamie rolled his eyes, and Elsie and I laughed softly. "By the way, that's my older brother, Eric. He doesn't get out much. Since he's oldest, he's forced to talk in that ridiculous proper English way."

" he doesn't know what a penis is?" Elsie gaped.

"He does." Jamie groaned as Eric tilted his head to the side, questioning.

"What is this pe—"

"Eric, shut up! My heck!"

"It's not my fault I have to talk that bloody way!" Eric snapped back.

Elsie and I exchanged glances.

"Eric Joseph Winston Philip Wellington!"

All of our heads snapped to the right to see a powerful-looking tall man that instantly sent chills of fear down my spine. He had a bushy black beard and curly hair. I could tell that this was their dad, the king. Jamie got his curly hair from him while Eric had no resemblance.

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