Chapter 50: Utica's Betrayal

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Tanner's POV

I pushed Kendra away and slapped her across the face, fury written all over my face. "How f*cking dare you!!" I spat, growling at her.

"Don't worry hottie, it'll be okay. But your girlfriend might not be..." Kendra looked away, smiling mischievously. And then I realized what she meant: Ui saw us. I smacked her again, making her fall down, and followed my mate's scent as fast as possible. This is Kendra's fault. She forced herself onto me after calling me over to the bathroom.

I never wanted to hurt Utica. She's the love of my life. And now I might loose her for good.

Utica's POV

"Utica!" His voice shouted from behind me. Hell no. I'm done. First my mom and my sister, then Cody, then Tanner. I'm never loving anyone ever again. I'm tired of wasting my time on faking a smile and keeping everyone happy (sort of) when I'm suffering inside from trauma. Yes, I have PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). I started developing it when they died, and I was diagnosed after Cody cheated on me and I was kidnapped by Tanner.

I continued walking fast, not even bothering to stop. I was in the parking lot, stomping through the crowd of students, when I felt someone pull me back into a chest. I turned around and immediately pushed him away, my boiled anger going over the edge. "Get the f*ck away from me!"

"Please, let me explain. Kendra just-"

"No, you listen to me!" Everyone was watching us now, including all of our friends, that were back on the sidewalk of the parking lot. It seemed like most of the people knew that I was about to break their eardrums, because they all hurried into their vehicles and drove off. The only people that were actually there were werewolves from Tanner's pack.

"I have been sitting by, barely even mentioning anything about myself, while you've done nothing at all to even ask about me! I have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from you kidnapping me and my mom and sister dying, yet none of you even noticed." I looked at the girls, their expressions shocked and regretful.

"I accepted you, and this is how you repay me? You go behind my back and make out with Kendra, my mortal enemy. Well newsflash, I'm not just a lifeless corpse. I have feelings. I feel pain and love, and right now I'm feeling a hell lot of pain...What, have you done this with other girls?"

"I used to be a player in middle school, but Theo knocked some sense into me, and I stopped. I knew I had to save myself for my mate--"

"Oh my f*cking God!"

"Ui, please--"

"Don't Ui me.How many girls did you f*ck, huh?"


"Leave me alone."


"I need to be alone."

I stomped off, away to the sidewalk. It didn't really matter where I was going. All I wanted was to be alone. It was about five minutes into my walk when I heard running footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned to see a girl running, and stopping right in front of me. She was of out of breath, meaning she obviously was out of shape. But that didn't necessarily mean she was overweight; she was actually pretty skinny. I couldn't see her face, but once she spoke, I immediately recognized her voice.

"Utica, I need to talk to you."


"I'm not in the mood to talk to a b*tch." I spat. She winced at my words, but I honestly didn't care. I have a right to be a b*tch, and it's not because I'm on my period. My period is officially my bad luck charm.

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