Chapter 34: Cider's Assailant

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Side note: yes, football season would most likely be over by now for most schools, but just imagine that they're preparing for their final playoff game that determines scholarships and who wins and all that crap.

Above is the clothes Ari-Zary gives to Cidey-Widey.

Previously on Luna Girls:

*Cider's POV*

"What do you want, John? We're through, remember?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Well fine. But stay the frick away from me."

"Away from you and your new boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Bye, then."

But as I was walking away, I heard John mutter, "I should've known that dumb mate of yours would finally get through to your thick wolf skull."

<> —•— <>

Cider's POV

My eyes widened. "Wh-What?" I faced John. His eyes were dark and his dark brown hair covered his eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about. It was obvious when he stood up for you at the Snow Ball. He was strengthening your bond." The John I once knew was gone. It was replaced with this dark figure under the broken flickering light in a locker bank.

"I-I don't know what you—" I tried to succeed at my failed attempt of lying, but John raised his head up and took a step forward. I gasped once I say his eyes. They were pitch black with only tiny bits of white framing it.

"Save it." he snapped. "You were supposed to learn my pain that day. I was going to make it simple, but one of the local packs decided to send their mate-less dopes off to school where they found their stupid mates." John laughed his words out towards the end, but only the first sentence registered in my mind.

"Your pain?" I furrowed my brow.

Growling, John lunged forward and slapped me, making Slade whimper as my head jerked to the side. "I was the one, you know."

John was shorter than me by four or three inches, but he scared the everliving hell out of me. "I scratched you that day. I turned you into a werewolf. I let you know what it felt like!"

I gasped as he cackled. He's insane! Slade gaped, and I whined in response. He...I'm a werewolf...because..."Did you really think that the wolf who attacked you on New Year's Eve was avoiding you because it felt like it? It was avoiding you because it was going to get rid of those pathetic friends of yours, and that one with the baby."

I gasped again and took a step back, my eyes wider than ever. "Oh, that baby would've tasted so good, y'know? It could've popped out at any moment. Fresh from its momma."

"You're sick!" I yelled, and I could feel my own pupils dilating. A tear rolled down my face as John grabbed my wrist and sunk his nails into it from how hard he held it. Blood started to spill and I let out a scratchy, pained moan.

"You were that wolf." I spat as he held my other wrist with the same pressure.

"Lover-Boy can't save you now. You would've done yourself some good by staying with me."

Before I could process it, I was kicked in the gut, sending me flying back until I hit a locker. I slid down on the cold floor, the friction hurting my everything. I sprung up and sped over to him in no time, shoving him to the ground. I sat on his legs so he couldn't get up and held his wrists with my hands, my grip so strong blood formed.

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