Chapter 51: Old Friends

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I'm sorry I haven't posted for a week, it was fall break and I'm typing LG at school now. I'm sorry! Dun kill meh ;-;

This means I'm attempting to finish LG before Christmas break, so know that LG might be over in two months WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >x<

Utica's POV

Darkness. I've grown accustom to darkness. It's normal for me now. I fluttered my eyes open aimlessly, attempting to see; waiting to feel that coolness drip from my lips, but I never felt it. As seconds, minutes, hours passed, I didn't feel the foamy drool. My head didn't throb and my heart didn't hurt. I just laid there lifeless with two cold things on my arms and legs as I stared up at the void.

Am I dead or something?

Suddenly, the darkness was interrupted by the sound of a lock popping open and a metal door opening. Footsteps were heard approaching me, and I shivered involuntarily due to the cold floor below me. A figure stood before me, but I couldn't determine any features because of the darkness. "Are you Jesus? Because if you are, I just wanna say I'm sorry for swearing so much and skipping church after they died. Everyone needs their chill."

"Yes, this is Jesus." The figure replied.

"Jesus? Why do you sound like a girl?"

"Because I am a girl."

"Jesus is a girl?"

"Yes, Utica April Ladino."

"Jesus is Australian?"

"Aye, mate."

"Am I dead?"

"You will be."



"Hold up, I'm not gonna do one of those stupid things in the movies where the villain 'whispers' something very loudly and the hero is all like 'wut' and the villain's all like 'oh nothing' and the hero is all like 'okay', and forgets."

Silence overtook 'Jesus' and I. Then, laughter. Unsettling laughter. Insane laughter. "I'm not Jesus you idiot!"

I tried to get up, but that's when I realized the cold things on my arms and legs were chains binding me to the floor. "Wh-Who are you?"

"I might as well be Jesus, because you're gonna need some serious help after I'm done with you."

She walked away for a second and flipped on a light switch, and I gasped. The room looked like a lab of sorts, but the walls were all stained brown and green with vines draped across it all. There were cracked test tubes behind me, and I was in the room. The musty iron door was on my side of the wall. There was a lone yellow flickering light in the center of that room that provided my newfound sight. And that's when Jesus walked back over to me.

This girl was not anywhere near my vision of Jesus. She looked more like...the female version of the devil. She had pale skin and black, greasy hair that was tightly pulled into a high ponytail. She had black eyes with barely any sclera (the white part of your eye) visible. the sides of her head were shaved, making her look all the more menacing. I could tell she was probably as tall as Cider, meaning Ari, Elsie, and I would be shorter than her. She grinned, revealing inhuman, shark-like teeth. But it wasn't just her canines. It was every single one of her teeth that came down to a point.

"Why am I here?" I shouted, anger evident in my voice. She bent down and slapped me across the face.

"Food shouldn't talk so loud." she spat.

"Well I just so happen to be at the top of the food chain, so I don't know what you're talking about."

"Think again, 'Luna girl'. What sucks the blood of meatbags like yourself?"

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