Chapter 36: History and Heartbreak

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So guess what...uh...I kinda want to change the musical to Hamilton. Maybe once this book is finished or I come to a point where I think I should just stop writing and edit the book, then go back to writing I'll change it from Undertale to Hamilton, but for now bare with me on the cringiness of Undertale: The Musical.

Chappy song▶️Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia

Elsie's POV

"Tennerlie, will you be my Valentine?" Daniel asked, batting his eyes at Tennie, who was laughing.

"Of course not! Why would you ever think I'd be with such a doofus!" she teased, using a fake posh British accent.

"Ugh, will you two just make out already?" Charlie groaned, making Fenrir laugh.

"Well don't do it yet. Wait until tomorrow when it's the special day." I giggled. We were in drama class listening to Mr. Lovell's rant on how there will be college scouts at the musical on opening day, so we should do our best.

No one's listening, honestly. We're all amped up for Valentine's Day tomorrow! It just so happens to be the day Daniel asked Tennie out in ninth grade. Daniel and I were best friends, and everyone thought we were a couple. Charlie was my good friend too, and whenever Cider was off doing sports, she, Daniel, and I would make up skits and just roleplay.

Not many people know this, but the only reason I knew Aria and Hunter was because they were those socially awkward people that never talked to anyone in school, but they always laughed and yelled at musical practice. We actually talked once, but other than that I didn't fully connect until Senior year.

Fenrir came into the mix when he literately fell on top of Daniel. Now, I can promise you that Charlie absolutely hated Fenrir in the beginning. But over time, she warmed up to him, and I guess now she has the hots for him. Tennie hated me, but then she found out that I'm not dating Daniel and she dove strait for it. Daniel was always telling us how he liked her, and now they're a thing! Tennie eventually learned that I didn't like him and we became besties.

A little bit of my dramatic history for ya. That all happened in But there's one thing that happened Sophomore year with Aspen Letter. Oh, that girl was in my life before I even knew Kendra and Micki existed. Aspen is just a cocky little blackmailer who gets whatever she wants from her parents, being an only child and all. She literately sabotaged the musical and blamed it all on the tech crew, and most of them were banned from ever coming back. It was Shrek, and she broke a spotlight and set Donkey on fire!

Who does that?! Luckily it was the last night we were performing, so it wasn't opening night or anything. So everyone has a strong distaste for that girl. And the girls and boys that hoard around her as her little minions are just afraid of her wrath. She's f*cking Voldemort, and they're Death Eaters.

"Tell me again why I can't kiss my girl?" Daniel raised an eyebrow at me.

"Because I love her. Tennie," I pretended to get down on my knee (even though I was already sitting). "Will you share your Instagram followers with me?"

"Sorry, I'm taken." Tennie shook her head, smiling. I pouted and pretended to cry.

The bell rang, and we all hopped up and went out of the classroom. Fenrir had to go to Calculus, and Daniel had to go to his locker, so it was just us three walking to Science. Tennie's class was close to ours, so we just walked together.

"Soooo, are you gonna ask him out tomorrow?" I raised an eyebrow at Charlie, who was in the middle.

"Who?" she furrowed her brow.

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