Chapter 64: Her Demise

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Not a very long and well-written battle. Apologies. Not really that epic, lol. Alas, one more chapter until Luna Girls will end on Wednesday, April 26 :(

Elsie's POV

I know I'm risking of me's health and existence, but I can't help it! Even if I'm not fighting, at least I'm doing something! Ari's speech convinced me. I never thought she'd step her game up and say something so...passionate. Yeah. That's a good word.

I hope this will be the final disaster we have to go through. Then, we'll finally be able to live our lives decently normal.

Theo's POV

I tore a vampire's head right off and attacked the closest one to me. Screw Louisia! Today was going so well, and then bam! This happens! Tanner, through mind-link, told us that he had been planning on proposing to Utica today. He can't speak that well at all. He can only say about nine sentences a day. I feel bad for him.

I ordered some of the warriors to make their way to Louisia, and that's when I smelled the scent of a familiar werewolf, and then the disgusting scents of those bloodsuckers.

Cider, get out of here! I snapped.

There was no response. And suddenly, hundreds of vampires sped into our pack...and began attacking the...vampires? What? That's when I recognized two vampires...Aren't those the vampire kings of England? The ones that kidnapped Utica and Elsie? Those little...

But they are helping us...

Cider and Aria's wolves suddenly jumped in and began fighting. I tensed, and I could practically sense Hunter tensing too. Trust them, They both told the entire pack in unison.

Everyone replied with hesitant agreements, but nevertheless fought against the thuggish vampires with the help of those royal skanks.

Louisia screamed, "Screw you two!", at the two vampire kings. It's weird calling them that, because it makes them sound so much more regal then they actually are. They aren't really a government. It's more of a 'hey, my family's blood is rarest of them all, that makes me better than everyone kind of thing, and everyone treats me like that anyways' kind of situation.

Suddenly, a loud howl was heard. We all looked to see a vampire biting into Wendy, making Luke let out a howl, then a growl. He tackled the vampire and pinned him to the ground, tearing out his heart. Ian went over to Wendy and helped her wolf form onto his and Luke's back, and they sprinted to the trap door below the ground across the pack. Ian flipped it open with his muzzle, and the entered, it shutting behind them. A couple vampires tried to open it, but the cried out in pain. I smirked, knowing it was made of exactly what vampire's hate most.

Tanner and I fought against four vampires, who all tried to bite us, but we bucked them in the face, sending them down to the ground. Four other wolves pounced on them before they could take action, and they tore their heads off. Do these vampires have any sort of training, or did that shark b*tch just tell them to attack us with no preparation?

Eventually, all of those bloodsuckers were gone, leaving us with just Louisia. The werewolves that went up to the roof were torn apart by Louisia, causing many howls of distress to be heard. "Come at me, you stupid mutts!"

"Don't think you're so great, Louisia." Jamie snapped. Everyone knows his and his brother's name.

"I'm better than all of you! I even have a little...proposition." she said smugly.

"What?" I snapped.

"I might have stolen something from someone here..." she started, smirking.

Everyone exchanged looks.

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