Chapter 9: Project WTF

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Picture is Ui-Pooey!

P.S. "My eyes are my glasses, my glasses are my eyes." —Fall Out Girl

(I'm in class and I'm talking to my comment-spamming friends, and I just said this, so QUOTE IT SPREAD THE GLASSES LOVE. Seriously, I'm blind).

Ian's POV

Holy sh*t. Honestly, nothing could describe what happened at Coco's. Once we left in silence and went back to the pack, we headed to the Alpha's office and saw Alpha Wen and Beta Levin typing away at their computers, every so often backspacing. Let's face it; these men can't type. "Hey, Dad." Tanner smiled at Beta Levin as we sat down on the couch in the back room.

"Hey, Tan." Levin looked up and gave a toothy smile before going back to the screen. "Shoot!" Alpha Wen slammed his hands on the keyboard and stood up, burry in his head in his hands. "Yes! Suck on that!" Levin raised his hands up and began to run around the room, his hand outstretched. As he passed us, we have him high-fives, and I muttered, "Hello, Dad."

He didn't reply, because he was too busy banging his head against the wall behind his desk. "What's up?" Tanner chuckled at his crazy dad. Levin was the weirdest, craziest person I've ever met, and he was also very flirtatious. Before he met his mate, he flirted a lot with other girls and actually was making out with another girl when she saw him. She was devastated, and it was a total roller coaster for them, but they eventually worked it out and had three children: Tanner, Eme, and Jake, but Jake went rogue. No one likes to talk about it, especially Tanner. It hit him the hardest when his younger brother left. He says he'll never forgive himself.

"I beat him again!" Levin cheered.

"What in the name of Artemis is going on in here?" A woman hissed as she and another entered the room. "Haha!" Levin was busy dancing victoriously until his eyes landed on the woman that spoke. "Uh...Hey, Mira."

"You two realize that while you've been goofing off, we've been dealing with the Lunar Griffon Pack?" Luna Marcie, my mom, glared at Dad, and he let out a laugh hesitantly. "Sorry, Mar." He and Levin bowed their heads. Mom is the only person who can make Dad submit. It's cute!

"Boys, what brings you here?" Mira butted in while Mom sat in Dad's swivel chair. "We wanted, er..." Hunter started, but he stopped to look at Theo. Sighing, Theo said, "Can you look up 'John' on Wolf Database?"

"Last name?" Levin asked, already sat down at his own desk typing away. "I was hoping you'd be all to just look for Johns in this area."

"Can do, nephew."

"Since when are you Snoop Dogg?" I laughed at my "uncle". He's not really my uncle, nor is he Theo's. Theo, Hunter, and I just call him uncle because our families are so close to each other that we're practically family. "It'll take two days, it looks like names that start with J have over three thousand around here, so be patient." Crud, Theo mind linked to us, sighing.

"Thanks Levin. It's better than nothing."

"No problemo, compadre." We waved goodbye and began walking towards the door. Gosh, I love Levin. He's such a chill dude. "Hey, say hi to your mom for me." Levin called to Theo, and Mira growled. "Oooh! Someone's jelly. Calm yourself, babe."

"I'm so not jelly." Mira rolled her eyes, and we all laughed. Theo's mom is the Delta's mate, so of course the Alpha, the Beta, the Delta, and their mates are some sort of group of friends. Just like us.

My homies. My pals. My compadres. My Nutella.

Why do I feel like being a total weirdo? Because I am.

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