Chapter 47: The Sort-of Calm Before...

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INTERESTING STORY: Good ol' author wanted to sign out of her account (xxXFallOutGirlXxx) to create a new one on her phone for other purposes, and she did so. But before she created the other account, she made sure she could log back into her own account (xxXFallOutGirlXxx). SHE COULDN'T. SHE LOST ALL OF IT. ALL OF HER STALKER WEREWOLF PEEPS AND THE GIRLS WITH EFFED UP LIVES. So she couldn't type on her phone, and since her iPad is probably broken and won't work ever again, she created her new account in shame.

Now, like a month and a half later, she's in school. She transferred into a new class...and she decided to try logging into Wattpad. She typed in her name (xxXFallOutGirl), and the password (you thought I'd tell you? Ha, no. Try putting this in and Ima laugh my ass off), and it didn't work like before. She tried about five different passwords...AND GOT BACK IN.

I'M TYPING THIS AT SCHOOL madirose24601 Juniper_Greene pockielovegood GAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.

Now I literately get to work on this even more now that I have school access AND my phone access back >:3


Utica's POV

"Why are you staring at her like that?" I whispered to Ari. She's staring intently at Elsie, who's obliviously eating her Ramen. We're at Cider's house. I'd let them come over to mine, but honestly it's changed ever since the incident. Papers are scattered around in the hallway near Dad's office. Cardboard boxes are in Dad's room, Addisen's room, and my room, and trash bags line the wall in the garage that are full of takeout bags and boxes. Takeout has been our life.

"I don't know." she responded quickly.

"Hun, you are the worst liar in existence." I snorted.

"Leave me and my noodles alone." she whined, sticking out her bottom lip.

Sighing, I took my chopsticks (since I'm the only one here that can actually use the little assholes) and caught some slimy yet delicious noodle in between them, slurping them up in my mouth. "Change the channel, Cider. Nobody wants to watch nature documentaries." I muttered.

"But it's a wolf and a jaguar having a relationship! It's so adorable!" she said with goo-gooey eyes and her hands pressed to her cheeks.

"The wolf is humping on the jaguar." Ari monetized, face-palming.

"It's the circle of life." Elsie said between bites of her noodles.

"Amen to that." Cider simmered, glaring playfully at me and Ari.

"That's it, we're watching Pitch Perfect." Ari spat, swiping the controller from the other side of Cider.

"That's my magical stick!!" she shouted, trying to get it back from Ari, who had already changed the channel over to Freeform. Sure enough, Pitch Perfect was playing, and Fat Amy was smacking her tits. I choked on a noodle and held my chest, laughing with my mouth shut. Ari shoved the controller down her shirt before Cider could reach it, making the giant groan in defeat and sit back down, sulking.

"Who knew you of all people would like Animal Planet." I sniggered.

"Well forgive me for liking the birth of animals."

Ari cleared her throat on the word 'birth'. "Arianna, would you meet me in the backyard of our beloved household?" I asked sweetly.

She immediately glared at me and spat, "Yes, my lovely wife. I'd love to meet you out back where I totally won't be slitting your throat for calling me Arianna."

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