Chapter 61: Break the Rules

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Aria's POV

"I dare you to go over to a random person and scream, 'Suck a lemon, little man'!" Elsie told Utica. We've been playing truth or dare all day long, and it's getting pretty intense. Ui had to run over to Aspen and do a back hand spring, then slap her in the face.

It was funny in all honesty. Elsie stood up and went over to Mr. S, who was letting us talk freely to get amped up for prom this Friday. "SUCK A LEMON, LITTLE MAN!" she shouted.

"Honey, I suck all the lemons." The whole class, who had heard Elsie and Mr. S, 'oooohhhed', making us laugh and her giggle uncontrollably. She sat back down and flipped off Ui, still smiling.

"Cider, I dare you to go up to Mr. S and do a stupid pickup line on him."

"Fine, Elsie. But I'm warning you, I'm going all in."

Cider proudly walked to Mr. S, and began saying pickup lines. "Can you be the Ru to my Paul? Are you a lady? Because you're making me Gaga. Are you a ninety degree angle! Cuz you lookin' right! Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu Te. Do you have a Band-Aid? Cuz I scraped my knee falling for you. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Nope, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell."

Everyone 'ooohhhhed' again, making Cider groan and sit down. "Ui, I dare you to go up to teach and sing him a song."

"Mkay." she smirked, hopping up and sliding over in front of Mr. S's desk.

"Eff this shh I'm out. Nn nn nn. Eff this shh I'm out. All right now. Don't mind me, Imma just grab my stuff and leave. 'Scuse me please. Eff this shh I'm out. Eff this shh I'm out. All right now! I dunno what the eff just happened. I don't really care. I'ma get the eff up outta here."

"What does 'eff' mean?" he asked slowly, a smirk plastered on his features. Everyone 'ooohhhhed' again, because they knew he was trying to get her to swear and get in trouble.

"It means F-U-C-K." she spelled out.

"What does that spell?" Everyone did it again, and Ui hesitated. She slowly sat back down, making everyone laugh. Mr. S's eyes drifted to mine as Ui said, "Ari, go sing him a song about gay."

"Aria, you and I both know you're a good kid." Mr. S started.

"Yes, Mr. S."

"And would you risk your grade in my class to sing to me about the beautiful gays?"

"No, Mr. S."

"That's my favorite student." Everyone started shouting stuff along the lines of 'why is she your favorite?', and Mr. S calmed everyone down.

"You have to do the alternative if you don't." Cider warned. My eyes instantly widened. Like hell I'd do the alternative! It's...It's too horrible! I'd die of embarrassment!

I instantly stood up and went the short distance to our teacher's desk, and said the most embarrassing thing I've ever said in my entire life: "It's okay to be gay! Let's rejoice with the boys in a gay way!"

Mr. S burst out laughing, along with the rest of the class. I quickly sat back down, embarrassed. At least I didn't have to do the alternative...

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