Chapter 4: Understood

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#Eltica <3
Utica's POV

"Ma! I'm home!" I shouted, closing the front door behind me.

"Ui, just in time!" My sister, Addisen, exclaimed, rushing up to me. It was the fourth day of school; Thursday. Tomorrow, I'd be hosting a sleepover with Elsie and Cider, since Ari sadly had plans. We've been talking to each other more since the first day, and let's just say we've fully come to understand each other's...features.

You know when you meet somebody in the middle of the school year, and suddenly, you realize that you practically have all of your classes with them? That was me and Elsie. So, we were walking to World Study, when suddenly, some boys rammed into us while chasing each other down the hall.

We fell back into the lockers, but Elsie was pressed against me, her hands resting on my...areas. She gasped and retracted her hands, getting off of me. I instantly burst out laughing and told her that I shipped 'Eltica' so hard. It was hilarious, but then again, everything is hilarious.

"Wha—hey!" Addisen dragged me to the kitchen, where Mom and Dad stood, watching something in the oven intently.

"What's this?" I thought aloud. The oven timer beeped, and Mom opened it with her mitts and pulled out the brown thing. A sweet smell overtook my nose, and I instantly recognized the scent. "Brownies!" I cheered, licking my lips.

"They're my own recipe!" Addisen smirked triumphantly.

"I can't wait to try it," Dad dazed, his mouth drooling slightly.

"Honey!" Mom hissed, slapping his forearm.

"Gah! Sorry! Addisen's cooking is just so good!"

"Aww, thanks, Dad!" Addisen blushed as Mom took off the oven mitts and set them next to the brownies.

"Let's let 'em cool off first. You girls go to your rooms." Mom said, and we ran to our rooms in our one-story house.

Our rooms are connected via our bathroom, so we here whatever the other person says. But it's not a big deal. She's the best sister ever, and we could never separate even in a million years. The bathroom doors were ajar, so we could see each other sit down on our beds. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and began texting in the group chat.

Me: Hello?

Cider: It's me

Elsie: I wuz wondering if after all these ud like to meet

Ari: XD

Cider: lmao

Elsie: I'm so nervous for tomorrow ;-;

Me: What's tomorrow?

Ari: Her auditions for Undertale the musical

Cider: You'll b there, right Ari?

Ari: Ya

Cider: Cool



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