Chapter 53: I Should've Listened

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Utica's POV

"Your struggling will only make it worse." she grinned evilly as I let out a wail. Those test tubes I saw when I was chained about a day ago were now what I was in. I was hooked up to these wires that were staked into my body, and the once-dormant test tube was shining a yellow light all around me while I was being shocked endlessly. It hurt worse than anything in the world. Well, maybe not having a surgery while awake, but it hurt.

"Wh-Wh-Wh-Why a-a-a-are y-y-y-y-you d-d-d-doing th-this?" I managed to state, tears in my eyes.

"Why?" she laughed, holding her stomach. She appeared in front of my tube, her hands resting on the glass. I stared pleadingly into her black eyes. "Well, it's quite a long story."

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I th-th-th-th-th-think I-I-I-I-I h-h-h-ha-a-a-ve en-n-n-nough-gh-gh time-me-me-me."

"You shouldn't be so cocky, Utica. Talking like you actually have a chance of surviving will get you nowhere."

Sighing, she normally walked over to the other side of the tubes where I was chained up and grabbed a metal chair that I hadn't noticed before. She pulled it up to my tube and sat down. "I guess I'll tell you what's going on."


"Louisia. Basically, I am going to give you The Four Tortures, ya little sh*t." she smirked in her thick Australian accent. "This is the first one, and the least painful."

She giggled at my widened eyes. This is the LEAST painful?!?! What's the MOST?!?! "All I need is the other six Seven Deadly Sins."

Seven Deadly Sins? What? I mean, of course I know what they are---Vanity, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed, and Sloth--but what does that mean? "The other six Seven Deadly Sins"? Am I one of them or something? What is that?!

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What's af-f-f-f-f-fter th-th-th-the t-t-t-t-tortures-s-s-s-s-s?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer.

Louisia cackled, standing up and smashing the chair against the wall. Still laughing, she fell on the floor. Is she...insane? Seriously, she's kind of creepy...Like, freaky-deaky-Dutch creepy.

"Pfffffffahahahaha." She let out her final laugh before standing up. "Nothing."


"Well, you won't be around to see what happens next."

She pressed a button on my tube, causing the shocks to intensify. I screamed, the tears finally rolling down my cheeks. Why...What did I do to deserve this? I'm not trying to be conceited by saying that, but I'm actually curious. Did I not get enough pain back in Oregon? ...Am I even in Oregon? I doubt it, because Tanner and the boys would've found me by now.

Suddenly, a crash occurred outside that metal door again. Lousisia's eyes widened until a malicious, toothy grin overtook her face. She skipped out of the room, giggling childishly. A few minutes later, she came back with a girl and a boy, holding something. The girl was about two inches shorter than Louisia, who was pretty tall. She looks to be even taller than the tall drink of water, Cider. Damn!

Her eyes were brown, and her hair was a brown slightly lighter than Cider's. It stopped just below her shoulders. She had much tanner skin than Louisia, but less tan than Cider. And the boy...


He looks...

He looks like Tanner.

He had the same brown hair, same tan skin, same brown eyes, but he was considerably shorter. He was probably three inches shorter than the unfamiliar girl. It can't be Tanner...right? That's when I saw the thing they were holding...rather who.

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