Chapter 57: Goodbye For Now

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Aria's POV

I woke up with cuts and blood all over in patches on my body. I was hooked up to this...test tube, with glass separating me from the outside. Across from me were four other test tubes, Micki, Rachel, and another girl inhabiting them. The only vacant one was the one across from me. I think the other girl is Shay from the soccer team...

The cuts were from this needle (not a needle for a flu shot, more like a gigantic sewing needle) that was being sliced into my skin repeatedly all over my body. I gritted my teeth and hissed to fight off the pain.

"A-Aria?" A familiar voice asked.

"Cider?" I questioned through my teeth, hoping they weren't being given the same thing I was.

"You're here...That's...bad..." She was somewhere to my left, and her voice was distant. I'm guessing there were three other test tubes next to me, and Cider was in the farthest one down.

"Why? Are you getting cut too? Why are they here?" I hissed out, referring to the three across from us. They looked dead, but you could see their pained eyes barely open and registering.

"Apparently...Micki is nice now...and she met a mermaid once...then Shay...She is mated to a werewolf...and Rachel...apparently is mated to Alvin..." Cider sounded so depleted of energy, it scared me.

"A-Alvin?! Gah!" I spat, cursing the pain that erupted in my stomach. "He's a werewolf?!"


"...Cider, are you being cut?"

"...Yes...We were shocked at first...Then they tortured us with memories of our pasts...Then we watched you..."

"So the voices I heard were really you guys then..."

"You were asleep when you were shocked and tortured...Utica and Elsie didn't know...about your issues, A-Aria...They were so shocked...and scared...but Utica didn't have anything left. She's been tortured more than all of us. She's next to you...Elsie's next to her...I'm next to Elsie."

Then, I remembered: the boys are coming.

"Help is on the way." I said lowly, not using names do to the high chance of there being security cameras.

Cider didn't respond.

A crash was heard from far away, and I knew only Cider and I could hear it. Yells and screams and growls echoed far down into the floor, leaving me to think we were in a building or something with many floors.

Suddenly, the metal door to my right burst open, Jake and a tall, freaky woman entering fast. The woman smelled like a vampire.

"Go to the final faze." she spat, baring her shark-like teeth.

"But Louisia, we're still on the fourth Tor-"

"Shut up, Jake, and just do it!"

Jake growled and stomped over to a control panel near the door, punching buttons until our test tubes all lit up with blue light. The needle retracted into the metal wall of my test tube, and pain flooded my body. Screams were heard throughout the room, some being shrill and loud, while others were growls and hisses, while others were 'ahhhhhhhh!'s. Mine was an 'ahhhhhhhh'. Not even the hardest bite of the tongue or lip could stop me from yelling. I think Elsie and Utica were either like the girls across from us, or they were unconscious, but now they were fully awake. Their screams said so.

"They'll cease soon and you'll get their power, Louisia." Jake stated stoically.

"Good. You and Shanté will get some too, and then we'll all get our revenge."

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