Chapter 19: The Snow Ball

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Hey...have you read that Featured Story on Wattpad called Trump Temptations? Well, I have, and I died. I'm officially voting Donald and becoming his stalker. Fair warning if you do read that bootiful'll either die of OMLs or you'll find some interessssssting thingsssssss 😝 chapter....also this chapter is going to be really long. All four POVs long. Enjoy!

Also, I'm on a bus with my school choir and Lynn1807 Bandweirdo101 madirose24601 to a theme park :3

Aria's POV

"Ari, where's my effing tie?" Ashton yelled as we frantically shared the bathroom...which doesn't work out too well.

"I dunno where your effing tie is! Where's my effing eyeliner?" I shot back, curling my hair with a curling iron while Ashton struggled to find his pants and his tie that he misplaced somehow.

He was in skull and crossbones boxers and his white dress shirt, but it wasn't awkward since we're siblings. I had on an old tee and random shorts while I got ready so I wouldn't stain the white dress. I'm not on my period. Yay!

"I dunno, there?" He pointed at a cream-colored powder while he ran out of the bathroom and came back with his pants.

"That's effing blush!" I hissed, unplugging the curler.

"Well I don't effing know!"

"Where's my effing tie?!"

"I don't effing know, okay?!" I screamed.

"Well start effing looking!" he screamed back.

"We both are getting ready for the effing dance, you know!"

"Well effing eff my effing life!"

"Kids! Shut up!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Sorry!" We answered in unison. Shooting each other side glares, we continued to get ready.

Utica's POV

"I'm ready for this!" I exclaimed, walking out of my room to pose dramatically.

"Whoa!" Dad gasped, eating up from the couch. I made duck lips and posed with a hand on my hip and the other in the air while he he looked me up and down.

"Waaaay too much showing."


"What? I don't want any boys to get ideas! Especially your date to this dance. Where is the little snitch, anyways?"

"He said he'd meet me there."

Dad gave me a look, but I shrugged it off and walked out to my car. I put my handbag in the passenger seat and put the keys in the ignition. "Utica," Dad knocked on my window and I rolled it down.

"Have fun and be safe."

"Kay, Dad. Don't worry."

I rolled the window back up, smiling, and drove towards the school.

Elsie's POV

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