Chapter 2: Being Cool

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Utica's POV

I sighed, sitting in my fourth hour, P.E.,on the bleachers with seven other kids. We were the kids auditioning for a sport. The rest on the field were kids with absolutely nothing better to do. Everyone——including me——wore plain gray shirts and black shorts as our gym uniforms. I smirked at a skinny kid, perfectly able to run a lap, huff and puff as he stopped to take a break.

"Keep it up, maggot!" Coach Bishop roared. Yes, he calls the 'weaklings' maggots. He called us jocks grasshoppers...

"That's it! Grasshoppers, show the maggots how we do it!" The maggots stopped running, but Coach made them run. "Give me ten laps, grasshoppers!"

"Oh my life, how can these people not do something as simple as run?" The girl beside me scoffed as she slid down off of the bleachers.

"I know, right?" I agreed.

She smiled and looked at me as we walked over to the track made out of turf, the subtle wind blowing our hair back. "I'm Kendra."

"I'm Utica, but it's Ui for short."

"I love that name! Say, let's show them how grasshoppers pounce."

"Let's do it." Then, we took off running with the other jocks.

I'm not trying to be mean. It may seem like I'm being a biyatch, but I just have a stronger dislike for people who give up and sign up for things just because they have nothing better to do. If you're gonna do something, put your full potential into it!

We were on our ninth lap when a boy passed us and winked at me. Kendra and I, now on our tenth lap, burst into a sprint, trying to catch this boy. He looked pretty cute, I must say, but I'm taken. Sorry, cute boy. You look like a cheater. And you passed me. Die.

We raced past him, but he quickly gained the lead. We heard some people cheering us on. Then, as soon as he crossed the line, we lunged forward in attempt to pass him, but failed and landed across the line...on our faces. We peeled ourselves off of the turf, wiped off the little black bits, and burst out laughing.

The boy smiled at us and offered his hands, which we took with a smile on our face. "Good race." he said. I nodded in reply.

Alright maggots!" Coach yelled, motioning everyone to gather round him. He placed his hand on me and the boy, and the other on Kendra, causing me and him to touch. I winced. "Take lessons from the grasshoppers. Tanner, Kendra, and Uti—"

"Ui, Sir." I quickly said, scared he'd make me do another lap for talking back.

"Alright, Ui. You three can leave my sanctuary early. You've proven yourself worthy." We got our binders from where we sat them down on the bleachers and ran back to the locker rooms (Tanner headed to the boys, we headed to the girls), fist bumping each other.

•  •  •

Tanner stood on my left, and Kendra stood on my right. "I don't think I've seen you around here. Are you new?" Kendra asked Tanner as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I was homeschooled."

As soon as we got there, the bell rang, and people began to flood in. We got our (cough) food (cough) and Tanner waved at us as he went to sit by three other guys. "Well, do you want to sit together?" Kendra asked me, and I nodded.

"Another girl might sit with us, is that okay?" I asked as we sat down at a table.

"Sure, two other girls might sit with us too." she smiled. As if on cue, two girls sat down next to Kendra and chimed hi. Kendra introduced us to each other, and I instantly noticed that they must've been friends for a long time.

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