A/N (Only A/N Ever)

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Hey there :3 please give my amazing bootilicous rainbow friends some love! pockielovegood  madirose24601 Lynn1807 Bandweirdo101 , y'all amazing! Oddly enough, there's four of them, and four girls in the story. Lel.

Pockie, you're my Cider. You're loyal.

Madi, you're my Elsie. You're a natural talent.

Band, you're my Ui. You're not afraid to be yourself.

Lynn, you're my Ari. You're always smiling even when things aren't that great.

Support my home slices!!!!

Also, the only time I'll do full-on parts as A/Ns is when it's important. This is the only time I'll probably do this, so from here on out, it'll be at the beginning/end of the chapity chap chap.

So, let's get down to business. (Madirose is sitting right next to me in class and she's singing about every word I type and right now she's laughing about this, lel). My birthday is in 9 days. And to celebrate, one of my little Luna girls is going to get their birthday in the story!

...Yeah okay, not that exciting. But who cares, right! It's freaking cake! So, their birthday is going to be on October 3rd (in the timeline) and some special interactions are going to happen between the chosen one and their man 😏😏😏

You vote on who gets their birthday first!

Elsie 😂

Cider 😜

Utica 😎

Ari 😘





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