Chapter 10: The Book Buddy

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Cider above! Gosh, there all so bootiful! Please like, comment, and follow! Also, I've been doing too many Ari POVs. I feel like Elsie needs more love. Same with Cider. Utica, er...she's got it coming. 🎶He had it coming. He had it coming. He only had himself to blame.🎶 Lel, reference to Chicago.

Read on, my sexy rainbows!

Hunter's POV

"The hell are you doing in my house?" Aria demanded. I sheepishly and awkwardly laughed and looked down at Austin, who was giving me a questionable look. "I can explain."

*Eight Hours Earlier*

"We're going on a run after school." Tanner told me as we bit into our Subway sandwiches. Yes, we get all the fancy crap. Sue me."It's the first run of the future leaders!" Ian exclaimed as they three pounded their fists in the middle. "Uh, no offense." he quickly added on. I sighed, "None taken. And I can't go, I signed up for Book Buddies."

"Aww, Huntie-Wuntie needs help readie-weading!" Theo mocked, and they laughed. Rolling my eyes, I scoffed, "I'm helping a first grader read. Chill."

"Sure." Ian wriggled his eyebrows, and I slapped him playfully on the arm. "Shut up." A smile made its way onto my face as I thought about what the kid would be like. I love seeing children. They're all so cute and like the brother or sister I never had. I may be socially awkward, but at least I can talk to cute little squeaky potatoes.

•  •  •

I was in sixth our just drawing my project when it occurred to me. I can't afford an F. Mom will kill me if I fail.

Just join her! Gosh, she looks so mad when she's mad— Dylan began saying, but I cut him off.

That's kind of the point, doofus. And if I do, I risk you coming out and doing something crazy!

Just let me. I'll stay in control. He pleaded, but I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

That's what you said when I worked with her last time.

What? We both agreed I'd get some time on the front lines. And I want mate!

I only said that to get you to shut up about it. I want her too, but I'm not hurting her any much more than she already is because of you.

Technically, you were the one who snapped. Dylan said.

To protect her! I retorted.

Oh yeah? Well—

Somebody coughed me out of my conversation with my annoying wolf. I blink a couple times and saw Ari raising an eyebrow at me questioningly. "What?" I asked a little harsher than I intended. "You started staring at me like you were freaking goldfish, how else am I going to react to that?" Ari rolled her eyes and went back to work, making he proximity between us farther apart, making Dylan whimper. I almost changed right then and there, but quickly blocked out his emotions, pain shooting through my forehead and my legs.

Dylan is unstable. That's one of the reasons why I stayed away from her this year. There's another reason why, but...Dylan...Dylan has a mind of his own. You know how most werewolves and their wolves connect well? Mine doesn't. He sees one thing in the moment, I see another. I can't control my wolf because he's like a girl's hormones when it's time for her period. He takes even the little things personal. If someone is laughing, he'll turn. If someone's mad, he'll get mad too and probably use violence. If only I hadn't been a late bloomer...

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