Chapter 12: Soap

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Elsie above 😍

Aria's POV

Honestly, no words could describe the pain Utica was going through. I felt so bad for her. I don't know what I'd do if one my brothers died. It's been two weeks since then, and tomorrow's October 3rd. It's Friday, and we just got to school. We walked in silence as we entered the building and I felt Cider nudge my arm. I looked up and saw Tanner, Ian, Theo, and hunter walking towards us. "Hey, do you know what happened to her?" Tanner asked, putting his hand behind his neck awkwardly. "It's not really our place to tell you, and it's not your business, so unless you want to ask her yourself, nope." Elsie rambled stiffly.

"Of course it's my business!" Tanner growled, his eyes growing dark. Cider's eyes widened and I'm pretty sure Elsie looked like me: jaw-dropped. Theo and Hunter were restraining Tanner as he tried to charge at us, and we got some looks from some students.

"Hey girls." A voice said from behind us. We turned around to face a pissed Kendra with crutches under her arms. Elsie smirked, but she stopped instantly and shrunk back down when Aspen broke from her innocent face and stared at her with indescribable eyes. It wasn't glaring, but it wasn't just staring. Her pupils were big and her eyes wide, as if saying 'try me b*tch'.

"What do you want?" Cider sighed, running her hands through her hair. "We just wanted to know what happened to Ui." Micki said, her expression genuine. As if she'd care about Ui.

"She won't answer any of our texts or calls. Did you do something?" Aspen asked, her fake smile-face returning.

"No, it's not really anyone's business but her own." Elsie stepped in.

"Um, of course it's my business!" Kendra hissed, but it was nowhere near as threatening as Tanner. "Our business." Micki corrected, rolling her eyes.

"Our." Kendra nodded, also rolling her eyes.

"Ugh, you all don't deserve her friendship." Micki glared.

"It doesn't have to be this way, y'know." Elsie said out of the blue.

"Yeah," I added. "We don't have to fight each other. We can be friends."

There was a moment of silence of Cider staring at Micki, Elsie staring at Aspen, and me staring at Kendra, when all of our eyes snapped to Kendra when she raised her eyes rows and laughed out, "Really?"

There's no way she'll be friends with us, her pride's too far up her ass. It's better that way.

She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but her eyes glanced behind us and lit up. "Cody!" she squealed huskily, running past us to the best of her crutching abilities. "Hey, Ken-Doll!" We turned around and saw Cody smiling lustfully at Kendra.

Something definitely wasn't right. One time Utica had told me that her boyfriend was named Cody and he moved right after he met her to Oregon, making sure to keep
in touch. But Cody Bradshaw isn't the girlfriend type.

"You must be Utica's friends." Cody looked at us and I smirked. I know his game.

"You must be Utica's boyfriend." I took a step closer and noticed the girls and boys eyeing me like I was a rainbow unicorn with big balls. "Yes." Cody nodded. "She's amazing. Hey, is there any trouble here?" Cody looked at Kendra, who nodded. "They're not telling us what happened to Ui."

"For the love of Pete, it's her business!" shouted Cider. "Look, she's going through a bad time right now, and unless you want to make her feel even more worse than she already is, then I suggest you drop it." I said morbidly, each word like nails on a chalkboard. Kendra flared her nostrils and walked off with Cody, Micki, and Aspen.

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