Chapter 41: Sold to a Nightmare

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Pic above is Tennie and Daniel!!

Dayummmm Daniel~

I shouldn't be happy. I'm about to loose all of my friends after this chapter is done. Forgive me in advance 😭😭😭😭

Hunter's POV

"C'mon, pick up, pick up." I tapped my foot as I waited for Ari to pick up.

"Hey, this is Ari. Leave a message." Beep.

"Aria, it's Hunter. This is, like, the twentieth message I've sent you. Your mom doesn't know where you are, you never came home. I need you to respond, we're all worried. Cider's gone one can find her car. Please, call me when you get this. Love you." I hung up and set my phone down, sighing in failure.

"Where are they?" I asked myself.

"Hunter!" I turned around to see Elsie running with Ui, Ian, Theo, and Tanner towards me.

"Any news?" I stood up.

"Ari told me she was getting a ride from Cider." she said.

"Her gas tank is always empty 'till the last drop. They could've stopped for gas." Utica suggested.

"Yeah, but like you said; she only waits until the last minute. It's not likely." Elsie countered.

"It's worth a try." Theo butted in.

"Come on, let's go." I said, running through the pack house to the garage door.

Ian and Tanner have to stay since they're leaders, but Theo's going since it's his mate. Theo was driving and I was in shotgun while Elsie and Ui were in the back.

We drove along the road until we reached the street with a QuickTrip on it, and Elsie gasped. "That's hers!" she exclaimed.

"The doors are open..." Theo observed, pulling up next to it.

We got out and observed the car, Ui and me on the drivers side. The gas nozzle was still in the tank. I noticed a black cloth on the ground next to the door, so I picked it up and sniffed it, but instantly pulled it back and coughed.

"Chlorophyll." I said before I felt myself get dizzy.

Utica slapped me a couple times, getting me to fight through it. I blinked a couple times and widened my eyes.

"There's one over here, too." Theo called.

"Don't smell it." I muttered.

"They must've been kidnapped..."

My eyes widened. "No, no, no....Oh no, no this can't be happening."

"What?" Elsie asked, her and Theo walking around to our side.

"Ari can't handle being kidnapped or taken anywhere she doesn't know by someone she doesn't know. She has a severe phobia of that and has full-blown panic attacks."

"Why?" Ui asked.

"She was kidnapped and raped when she was little."

"Oh my gosh!" Elsie gasped, eyes wide.

"Come on, we need to go look." I was about to go back to the car, but Theo grabbed my arm.

"We don't have any leads. Do you smell anything?"

I shook my head, groaning.

"Exactly. They covered up their scent, or they're human. You're a genius; you can get the chlorophyll out of these while keeping the scents in them. Then we can track the girls down." He let me go, and we all went back to the car, defeated.

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