Chapter 28: Acceptance

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Well, it's been a long run, Cider. But I think it's time you gave up.

>:D huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue

Cider's POV

Well...things back in the pack aren't too well. Ian's beating himself up over what he did to Elsie, which I still don't know after all the times I've asked anyone. Tanner, Hunter, Theo, and I think Ian are trying to find where the girls were taken, though no one's heard back from them in days.

"I feel so useless!" I exclaimed, slamming my hand on the table.

"I want those vampires to rot in hell where they belong!" Ari hissed quietly.

"Calm down, you two." Wendy sipped on her tea as we sat in Coco's. "You're lucky Alpha Wen even let you out. I mean, for all he knows I could be helping you escape."

"Shouldn't you be in the house?" Ari sighed, taking a gulp from her hot cocoa.

"Yeah, you're due any day now." I agreed, nodding.

"Puh-lease, I'm not staying in that clammy house forever. Luke's on patrol, so he can't be with me either way."

"Wow, you really care about him." I looked away at another booth. A guy got down on one knee and held out a ring. The girl squealed and jumped into her arms, nodding. I wish that would happen to me someday. I thought.

It will, Slade said.

But...I just don't know...

Cider, calm down. You're feeling lonely without him, right?

She was right. I felt empty with him not being there. I hate to admit this. I really, really hate to admit this. But...I think I like Theo.

"Cilerinne Cassidy Moses!"

Oh sh*t.

With bloodshot eyes, Mom stormed over and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the break room. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick!" she scolded as I sat on the black couch. I've never seen her so mad, oh my life.

"I-I was at a friend's house. I thought I texted you that." I quickly replied.

"No, you didn't! Oh my gosh, I almost called the police."

"Why didn't you?" I was scared to ask.

"Millie told me she saw you at work the other day when I took the day off. You were there, right?"

Millie? I wasn't at work...Why would she cover for me like that and lie to Mom?

"Well, next time tell me in person when you're having a week long sleepover." Mom walked over and sat down next to me, bringing me into a tight embrace. "I seriously thought something bad happened."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Mom. Is it okay if I stay over for a couple more days?"

"Sure, but we're having a girl's day when you get back." She let go and pulled back.

I laughed, standing up. "Okay, it's a date."

• • •

"So, that was your mom?" Wendy asked as we walked back to the car.

"Yeah, she's a lot less scary when she doesn't think I'm kidnapped." I shrugged.

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