Chapter 5: Happy Birthday!! Pt.1

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10 months later

Marissa's Pov

After graduation I lost all contact with everyone except for Minho and Jin. We stayed friends this entire time, my heart warming up at the thought that we never did split ways. They are still going out, I'm so happy for them, hopefully they last a lot longer too.

My phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts about seeing them together and getting married. They are such a lovely couple, I really do give them my best regards.

"Happy birthday girl!" Minho’s voice rings loudly and cheerfully through the receiver.

"Minho, it's too early to be too hyper,” I say after I pulled the phone away from my ear, squinting my eyes because the loudness made me cringe a little.

"Says the one who's like hyped all the time."

"Haha you have a point there. What honor do I have for you calling?"

"Mm, to wish you a happy birthday and say that we should go out tonight, Jin says it's a good idea too." She sounded really excited, which made me curiously.

"Go where exactly, it's December Minho." I was a bit cautious with what she wanted to do.

"To a club of course, we're old enough to enter one."

"If you want, but no drinking,” I state firmly

"Okay okay, be ready by 8. Ttyl girl." I wonder where she learned to talk like this, it was so out of her character. Wait, it was from me when I used to say it to her during our high school years.  

Sometimes I don't even know what to do with that girl, she's trying to get me to move on, just I can't for some reason. He was the first boy that truly has captured my heart, it's not that easy to get over him. I thought that I would be over him by now, but I guess I thought wrong.

"Honey, I'd like you to come down and meet someone,” My dad calls for me up the stairs.

"Coming dad!" Will it be his new girlfriend? I've been dying to meet her. I've never seen my dad this happy in a long while.

I head downstairs to lay eyes upon a breathtaking woman. She has light brown hair that falls to her waist in waves with bright hazel eyes. Her pale skin was glowing so elegantly as the natural sun’s rays shone on her. She had a light pink tint to her cheeks and her bold red lips contrasted her skin so perfectly. She's a little on the short side, but her frame was petite with just the perfect curves that fit her so well. She looks like she could be a model or actress, she's literally drop dead gorgeous.

"Marissa, this is Yuho, the one I've been telling you about,” My father introduces her. Yuho, what a lovely name.

"Hello Yuho, I'm Marissa,” I greet her, extending my hand out. I forgot that this isn't America, so I quickly retracted my hand and bowed respectfully in her direction.

"My you're such a beautiful young girl, I bet all the boys swoon over you,” Her soft voice sings out. It was velvety smooth. I could listen to her talk all day, it was just that calming.

"Actually, I have no luck in that department. Oh, before I forget dad, Minho wants to take me to a club tonight, will that be alright with you?" Even though I'm 18 now, I still need my dad's permission, I live under his roof after all.

"Sure sweetie, just don't drink and drive, and don't leave any drinks unattended. Also, don't leave the group you're going with, I don't want anything to happen to my baby girl.” My dad was so cool. He would literally allow me to do anything I wished to do without questioning me.

Stay Away From Me (Yoongi FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang