Chapter 51: Knowing the Group

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Marissa's Pov

I awake the next day, the note still in my hand. My heart races as I try to decipher exactly what it meant.

After N had left me, nobody has come into the room. I haven't heard any of them. How many of them are there? Will I be placed in danger? Why am I here? Why was I taken?

These answers may never be known. I may never even get to see the light of day again. My heart aches with that thought.

The thought of never being able to see Yoongi again crushes me. I just hope that they leave the baby and I alone. I sigh as I just lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling.

The door creaks open, N walking into the room. I sit up against the headboard, just looking at him with a small smile.

For some reason, I'm not scared of him. I don't fear for my life as long as I'm in his presence. He makes me feel safe, even though he is one of my captors.

"I see you're awake. Come, let's get you some food." He reaches his hand out for me to take once he's standing right next to the bed.

I just sit there, looking at it as I blink rapidly, unsure of what to do myself. He looks at me, not giving much emotion to my hesitance.

"I understand why you're hesitant, but since you've been here, have we given you reason to be hesitant around us?" I look at him in disbelief.

Did he seriously just ask that? I mean, they're the ones who kidnapped me, that's reason enough to be hesitant.

"Before you even say it's because of the kidnapping, think. Yes, that's a reason, but have we threatened you or tried to harm you in anyway since we've had you here? Have we forced you to do anything against your will?"

I look to my legs that are stretched out on the bed with my hands laying in my lap. He's right, they haven't tried anything against my will. N has been nothing but kind to me.

"I truly am sorry you're in this situation, but the others want to meet you as well. You also have to keep the baby in you nutritioned properly. Let's go get some breakfast, and maybe even take you out to get some clothes." He once again reaches out his hand.

I slowly lift my own hand up, placing it into his as he gently tugs on it to get me to stand up. Since I haven't moved at all yesterday, my legs are a bit wobbly. I stumble, almost falling to the ground, but N holds onto me, helping me become steady on my feet.

"I'll help you, don't hurt yourself." His voice is soft. Why is he so caring?

"Thank you," I whisper in reply. He just gives me a slight nod while licking his lips.

We walk out into the hallway with N's arm around my waist to help keep me steady. The hallway is like any other, a long and tiring one to walk. On this floor in particular there are at least 7 different rooms that line the entire hallway.

We turn the corner, a set of spiral stairs leads to the first floor. The stairs are carpeted in red carpet, with intricate gold swirls that decorate it. It's very elegant. Very beautiful even.

I look to the stairs, afraid. I can barely stand on my own, let alone walk down the stairs.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I whip my head in N's direction. Do I want his help? If I have him carry me, it'll help me from falling down the stairs.

"I guess, if you're okay with it." He chuckles lightly at my response. He kneels down in front of me with his back to me as his arms stretches backwards.

"Climb on my back, I'll give you a piggyback ride," He explains with amusement coating his voice to my confusion.

I gently wrap my arms around his neck as I wrap my legs around his waist, him holding onto my thighs to keep me from falling off. I blush at this, not out of embarrassment or anything like that, but out of shyness.

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