Chapter 18: Fights are Just Beginning

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Jaebum’s Pov

"What the hell do you mean she wasn't by the damn dumpster?!" I was livid, these guys always mess things up for me.

"I went to go check to see if she had died yet, however when I walked out she wasn't there. She's most likely still alive." Jinyoung had sighed out.

"We need to look into it! Find out where she's at. Find everyone she's associated with, we could use them as leverage. Nobody escapes from us alive."

The rest of the crew walks out as I sit on our dusty old sofa. This girl is so dead. How dare she humiliate this group like this? My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash from outside. I cautiously walk out to see who it was, to my disappointment it's Jackson.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here," I growled at him.

"I came to beg you to step down from Marissa, she's innocent." Jackson was trying to plead with me, too bad I don't care.


"Look Jaebum, she's a good person who's been through way too much. Please, just let her be," he bows while squinting his eyes shut. I found this comical. It was hilarious to see him pathetically begging.

"Sorry babe, no can do. You should save your pleas for someone who actually has a soft spot. In this business there's no room for errors, meaning those who come across us die. You're the only exception because of your daddy. I suggest you get out of here before I get rid of you as well."

He sighs as he walks away defeated. His movements are a bit sluggish as he slumps his shoulders with his head lowered. You did me wrong Jackson, so I cannot spare you your friend.

Marissa's Pov

Since leaving the hospital everyone has been extremely nice. Overbearingly nice, it's kind of annoying. I told them already that I forgive them.

It turns out that Jackson wasn't actually dating anyone, he was just going along with Jungkook's plan. What was his plan you ask? He wanted to kick me out so Yoongi could comfort me. As he was comforting me I was supposed to fall for him, which apparently I did. He overheard Eric's conversation with Yoongi one night, then decided to help him out.

I guess in a way I have Jungkook to thank. I mean if it weren't for him I wouldn't be with Yoongi right now. I don't like the fact that Kookie keeps blaming himself for what happened to me, he has no blame whatsoever in what happened. I keep yelling at him to stop saying he's at fault.

My tired body drags itself upstairs to the soft queen sized bed waiting for my presence. Once I open the door a feathery pillow is thrown at my face. I scowl at the person who threw it only to see a hysterical Yoongi. He's clutching at his sides from laughing so hard. I puff my cheeks out, glaring at him. I didn't know throwing a pillow at your girlfriend was so funny, I internally scoff.

"Lighten up princess. I didn't mean to make you angry. Believe me, I do not want to be on your bad side," he says laughing hysterically still.

I roll my eyes at him as I pick the pillow up, making my way to the warm bed. I lay on the bed, sprawled out as I let out a satisfied sigh upon the soft contact on my back. Yoongi scootches next to me, wrapping me in his arms. I lift myself up slightly so I'm resting my head against his chest. He holds me closely, afraid to let go. I smile brightly at him as he gives me that gummy smile that I've come to love so much. A knock on the door interrupts the peaceful quiet. The person walks in without waiting for a response, only to stop when he sees Yoongi.

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