Chapter 50: Let the Games Begin

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A/N: This chapter is semi-edited, but not fully, so if there are any mistakes I do apologize. As always, happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Jin's Pov

"Where the fuck is she?!" I'm frantically searching their penthouse, but there are no signs of her anywhere. I'm freaking out. I don't know what to think. I'm seriously thinking of the worse case scenario.

"Jin calm down, maybe she just went to the convenience store and she'll be right back." I don't listen to him. In fact, I disregard his words, still frantically searching all over.

Henry sighs at my distressed state, gently grabbing my hand to bring me back into the living room to sit down. He sits right next to me, rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of my hand as I try to calm my rapid heartbeat.

"What if she's gone Henry? What if someone took her? Yoongi is going to kill us." I know for fact he will. He had trusted us to get here before anything had happened to her.

He had trusted her life along with the baby's life with us, and here we are at a loss. We don't know which way to turn. We don't even know where to begin.

Where could she have possibly gone? I hope she didn't decide to just get up and walk out on her own.

"We have to call Yoongi," Henry whispers. I snap my head in his direction, looking at him as if he were crazy.

"It's the right thing to do Jin." I know it is. I know Yoongi deserves to know that his wife was missing by the time we got here. I just don't want to give him this stress on top of what he is already dealing with.

"Jin, you need to calm down, your pulse is way too rapid. You can give yourself a heart attack of you don't try to calm down." Sometimes it sucks having a doctor as your fiancé, he's always telling me how to live a healthy life. I just shrug as I look back down to my lap, debating with myself if we should call Yoongi or not.

I sigh when I know the answer as I pick up my phone, my thumb hovering over Yoongi's name.

My heart clenches when I think of the reaction he'll have. You can bet your sweet little ass it won't be good. All hell may even break loose.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I press the call button, slowly bringing it to my ear as my heart is pounding out of my chest.

"Yeoboseo?" His voice already sounds annoyed. I'm scared. Scared not only for my life, but also for whoever has Marissa in their clutches.

"Jin, I don't have a lot of time, what is the problem?" He's growing impatient due to me not being able to tell him about his wife.

"Yoongi, please don't get mad," I begin.

"What's going on Jin?!" Oh no, he's already getting mad. I am so screwed. He's never going to trust us again. He's probably going to never want to speak to me again.

I feel a comforting squeeze on my leg,  urging me to continue. "Marissa doesn't seem to be home. We searched the entirety of the house. We don't know if she walked out on her own or if someone snatched her up while we were on our way here."

I hear him inhale deeply, my heart dropping at the sound of it. "I have surveillance cameras all through the house, go into my study." I can hear the slight anger in his voice, but he's trying to contain it.

I gulp, getting up from the couch to go into his study. Once I walk in, I go around to his desk, sitting in his chair. "Okay, I'm in your study," I tell him.

"Okay, the bookshelf directly behind my desk opens up. There's a button underneath my desk that opens it, press that button."

I do as he says, I reach under the desk, instantly finding the small button. I press it, the shelves splitting apart to reveal the tvs that the cameras are connected to. I just stare at it in awe, forgetting that Yoongi is on the other line.

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