Chapter 31: Helping Jin

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Marissa's Pov

"Yoongi~" I whine. He exhales while looking at me annoyed. I pout at him when he gives me that cold stare, wondering what I did wrong. I look to my feet, awaiting for my discharge as he continues to glare at me.

"Why can't you just stop being stubborn. I know you want to see him, but you can't. In fact, he told me to keep you away from him," He states.

I look at him with puppy dog eyes, refusing to take the answer no. "I want to see him. He needs his friends now more than ever. I'm not-"

"Just stop! You never listen to me! What if you going to see him makes things worse?! What if you don't like the way he reacts to you showing up?! My answer is no, if there's anything you want to say to him you tell me and I will relay the goddamn message! Now stop your pouting and head home," He yells. His voice is so loud it actually resonates off the walls. He's never yelled at me like that before, it kind of scares me.

Tears begin to flow down my cheeks, me wanting to get away from his scrutinizing gaze. The look he gives me makes me shrink, numb to the core even. I just nod my head, heading to the entrance of the hospital.

Before I exit I feel a strong grip on my forearm, the person turning me to face them. I look at Yoongi to see regret flash over his expression.


"Don't, I understand completely. I'll be going to Jackson's house for the time being," I cut him off. I see sadness swipe across his face.

"For how long," He asks.

"Honestly, I don't know the answer to that question myself. I just need some time to think," I say. I can't look him in the eye, I know if I did I would run into his arms. I begin walking away only to have him back hug me, halting me in my steps.

"Don't leave me. I care too much for you, we have been through way too much to allow a small quarrel such as this come in between us. Please Maris, stay with me," He pleads. His voice is drawing me back into him.

He's right, isn't he? One little fight is bringing a rift in between us, even though we've been through a lot worse. Come on, I have to pull myself together.

"Look at us Yoongs, we are fighting in the middle of a hospital. This isn't a healthy relationship, we were never healthy for each other," I respond. The words hurt me to even say them. As soon as they escaped my mouth I regretted them.

He lets go, turning to go back into the hospital. I stay rooted to my spot, debating whether or not if I should go after him. I turn to watch his retreating figure, my heart breaking with every step he takes. I can feel the flow of tears falling out of their sockets, my body officially becoming numb to the core.

I follow closely behind him, waiting outside of the room where Jin is. I hear Yoongi break down, everything he has to say. My heart being torn even more than it already was. Then Jin starts talking. What he says has me breaking to pieces.

So he blames me after all. He holds a grudge against me, that's why he doesn't want to see me. I broke his group apart, I destroyed them. I came in between them, everything is my fault. I'm sorry everyone.

I bolt out of the hospital, slowing down to a walk once I'm outside. I look behind me once more, guilt overcoming me completely.

I put my head down, heading to Jackson's house. The walk was a sad one. Everywhere I looked you saw happy couples holding each other's hands, smiling lovingly at one another. A thousand swords pierce my heart, I can't handle it.

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