Chapter 19: Coming up with a Plan

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Yoongi's Pov

The next day I gather everyone back to the base. I have to tell them all what's going to go down. I sigh as I sit on the stage, awaiting the arrival of my gang plus Marissa with her friends. Not only am I going to get volunteers for this operation, I'm also going to make a plan to get Namjoon back safely. This plan needs careful thinking, one little mishap and we're all dead. If possible I want Marissa to not get involved any further, she's dealing with enough as is, I can't allow her to join me. Slowly the entire gang piles into the hideout. They settle down on the old rusty couches as per usual.

"Now that everyone's here it's time to discuss some things,” I start off as my eyes meet those of everyone in the room.

"We're going to take down the top gang in the town. I presume you all know who they are?" Eric continues.

They all nod their heads wide eyed.

"If you don't mind me asking, how come we're taking them out first?" Minji speaks up from amongst the crowd.

"They took a dear friend of mine. You all know of Namjoon?"

Once again the nods of heads are present.

"Good. This is a rescue mission as well as taking out a very dangerous gang. Those of you who do not wish to be apart of this you may exit now. If you wish to join me then remain where you all are." I wait for a few minutes. Silence fills the room. Nobody moves, they all stay in their spots looking excited.

"Okay, since everyone wants to be part of this we have to come up with a plan that will not fail. One mishap will be the end of all of us. This has to be a well thought out plan that gets executed without any failures,” I warn. This even has me on edge.

"I'll be bait," Marissa speaks up. People look in her direction.

"No, not happening," I state sternly.

"They're after me, if I take Namjoon's place then he'll be let go. As we swap places you guys could take the gang down from the outside whereas I work from the inside. It'll be a double attack, one that they won't see coming. I mean yes, they know of me and my strength, so more than one of their men will be guarding me, but they don't know my full potential." Marissa stands up tall, her eyes fierce.

"Full potential," I question curiously.

"Yea, I'm a lot stronger than I let on. I held back when I faced Shredder. If I wanted to, I could have walked away unscathed from that fight. I'll be more than capable taking care of myself from the inside. Question is, will you guys be okay from the outside? This is what they would call a gang war correct?"

"Sadly it is. There are bound to be injuries, maybe even casualties. That's why I'll give everyone one more chance to walk away from this." I once again look around the room, waiting.

"We need to inform the police as well," Marissa chimes in again. Now we all give her our full attention.

"I agree. We are on good terms with them. We're now working behind the scenes with them, capturing some gang members for them. This will make their job a lot easier in the long run too,” Eric joins in.

"That settles that, we'll get undercover cops to work with us. I'll switch places with Namjoon. Once he's safe we'll attack from both ends. Are there any objections," She asks boldly.

Everyone shakes their heads, surprised that she was even able to concoct such a plan. She's insane. She's going to continue to worry me at this point. Her crew stare at her, pleading her not to do this with their eyes. She just smiles sweetly at everyone, not willing to change her mind.

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