Chapter 40: I Love You

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A/N: Yayyyy finally an update, but be warned, I didn't edit this chapter and there is smut ahead. Happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Jungkook's Pov

After I hung up with Marissa and Yoongi with telling us the good news, I smiled widely. I'm happy for them, truly. They both have been through so much yet they've come so far. They are the best married couple that I've come to know, even though I wanted them to stay apart in the beginning.

Looking back now, we were all pretty messed up. We've all had our ups and downs, but here we are still all together.

Amidst my thoughts I feel a pair of strong hands wrap around my waist. I lean my head back onto his shoulder, closing my eyes loosely as I relish in his warmth.

"You're so beautiful Jungkook," He whispers in my ears.

"Mm, and you are too Taehyung."

He chuckles as his embrace tightens around me. "What has you all smiles today?"

"Oh right, you were out when Marissa and Yoongi did a group call. They called with some news regarding Marissa," I stop, turning to face him.

I can see worry instantly etched across his face. "Please tell me something crazy isn't happening to her again. I swear, if she's come down with some type of crazy illness that will take her life I will jump off a bridge."

"Calm down Tae, it's really good news," I reassure him.

"How good," He questions skeptically.

"She found out today that she's pregnant." I break out into a huge grin again.

He widens his eyes in shock, and then breaks out into a rectangular smile. "That is good news. No, better than that, it's the best news I've heard since their wedding," He bursts out.

"We should get something for our niece or nephew," I suggest.

"Let's wait until we hear what the gender of the baby will be." I nod my head in agreement.

"Go get dressed, I have somewhere I want to take you," Taehyung says.

I walk into my room without questioning him. I quickly put on a pair of skinny jeans with a black top and my timberlands. Doing a once over of myself, I deem myself ready. I head back into the living, Taehyung waiting for me by the door.

I place my hand in his when I get to him, walking out of the house together. Instead of taking the car, we walk. I wonder where we're going? I look to my side to see Taehyung focused, not even noticing me staring at him.

"Tae, where are you taking me?"

"You'll see when we get there baby," He coos sweetly.

I avert my attention back to the front, my insides churning with excitement and nervousness.

Taehyung drags me into the woods, the leaves and sticks crunching under our shoes are the only sounds we hear. The two of us are way too quiet. It's not an uncomfortable silence though, it's a calming one.

I look at the trees all around me, the leaves gently swinging with the gentle breeze. It's so pretty. My attention is quickly taken away when I hear the sound of running water.

Curiously I look ahead of me again, my eyes being met with a waterfall. The stream below it is flowing steadily. Rocks and trees surround the place. It's really breathtaking.

"I stumbled upon this place just recently. I wanted to bring you here because I know you don't like extravagant things. You're more of a simple man, so the simplicity of this place is perfect for you."

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