Chapter 28: Yet Another Funeral

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Marissa's Pov

It's been a whole week since I found out my best friends had died by the hands of that horrid gang. I was constantly crying, not leaving my room for anything. I guess you can say I went into a deep depression.

Yoongi tries to get me to go out some, but I refuse to. Instead of pressuring me, he stays with me trying to comfort me to the best of his ability. He lays next to me cuddling me as he rocks me back to sleep every night. Tomorrow is the funeral, that's when reality will really sink in.

The next morning, I reluctantly draw myself out of bed to get ready. I see Yoongi all dressed in a black suit and tie with a white button up shirt under the suit jacket. He smiles warmly at me as I slowly drag my feet past him. I get dressed into a simple black dress with a pair of black flats. I walk out to be greeted by a teary eyed Jin.

Can't really blame him for being this upset. He lost the love of his life. The one that would've been his forever. I'm sorry Jin, this is somewhat my fault. No scracth that, it's entirely my fault. I sigh as I head to the front door, waiting for the others to come down the stairs.

Why do the people I care most about wind up leaving me behind? First it was my dad, which still kills me. Now it's two boys who have somehow became more like brothers to me. Hobi, Namjoon can you ever forgive me? Please watch over everyone, they need the strength. I miss you guys, and if I could go back in time to take your place I would in a heartbeat.

I look towards the sky, allowing the tears to fall freely. The air may be warm around me, but all I feel is cold. No warmth can reach my heart. I feel so numb. Empty even.

I feel an arm wrap around my torso as the person rests his head on my shoulder. For a minute I thought it was Yoongi, but then the familiar scent of the first person I had ever loved enters my nostrils. I turn slightly to see Taehyung clinging onto me.

"What are you doing," I whisper.

"Trying to make you feel better. You were put through so much, yet here I was being insensitive. You might not think so, but I do care about you. You've become like a sister to me, so seeing you in this state worries me. I'm scared that you'll go to be with everyone and leave the rest of us behind. Please Marissa, cheer up. None of this is your fault." His concern warmed my heart.

"He's right Marissa,"Jungkook joins us on the porch.

No words can escape my mouth. I just look at them both, a warm fuzzy feeling slowly making it's way into my heart. As soon as I feel relieved or warm I feel guilty. Guilty because here I am relishing in the warmth my friends are emitting while the other two cannot be here to relish in it with me. Guilty because of my impulsive actions that created this mess. Guilty because I didn't cooperate with Got7. Just plain guilty, and I don't think I will ever be able to get rid of this guilt.

I take a deep breath as we pile into two different cars to head to the gravesite. Yoongi, Jungkook, Jin and I reside in one car. Jackson, Mark, Taehyung, and Jimin resides in another car. Minho said she'll meet us there.

Yoongi slowly pulls out of the driveway, the funeral tag hanging on the antenna of the car as we follow the other cars with people who are also going to say their final goodbyes. After what seemed like years we arrive at the graveyard.

I get out of the car, looking at the two caskets laying side by side one another. I can feel my body already becoming weak. Yoongi rushes over to my side to help me over to where some people have already gathered.

"You must be Namjoon's friends, I am his mother."

My throat tightens as I come face to face with his mom. No words are spoken, I just look at her as tears well up in my eyes. She quickly wraps me into a tight hug.

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