Chapter 29: The New Guy

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A/N: there is some triggering events ahead. If you or a loved one experiences depression and suicide urgencies, please reach out to someone because there is help. Do not feel like you're alone, you are not. Call a hotline or reach out to someone you trust. As always, happy reading lovelies ^^

Marissa's Pov

A few days have passed since the funeral. I still drag myself around, not uttering any words. There's a disconcerting ache in my chest every time I try to be remotely happy, instantly feeling guilty once I let even an ounce of happiness shed some light into me. Namjoon and Hoseok were special, I still can't believe they're gone. They're gone because of my rash actions of following a stranger.

If I didn't go there that fateful day then I wouldn't be here sulking at the loss of two wonderful people. Tears once again stream down my face as I curl into a fetal position. Yoongi comes into the room climbing into the bed with me while wrapping me into a tight, warm embrace. He snuggles his face into my shoulder blades, his breath grazing my back through the thin t-shirt.

"When are you going to forgive yourself," He asks me. I shake my head as my response, my mouth not being able to talk to him right now. He sighs as he hugs me tighter.

"Marissa," A shaky voice calls out. Through my teary eyes I see Jungkook, who has also been crying. He runs up to the bed, also hugging me as he holds me. I feel warm tears on the front of my shirt. Instinctively I place my hand on his head, petting it in a soothing matter. This is how it's been all week, everyone either crying or trying to comfort one another.

Jin has it the worse though, he refuses to come out of his room. It's really heartbreaking knowing that I tore two people who were destined for each other apart. Jungkook finally calms down, untangling himself from me. I kiss his forehead, my tears falling on his cheeks. He cups my face, rubbing my falling tears with his thumbs. I smile through my tears at him, but then it quickly turns to a frown.

Yoongi gets up, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of bed with him. I look at him inquisitively, he's confusing me with his actions.

"I'm tired of everyone sulking around. Yea what happened is horrible, I'm more at fault for bringing them along with me, but we have to try to move on. Namjoon and Hoseok wouldn't want us all to sit around and sulk, they'd want us to be happy. Let's all go somewhere and try to cheer up, even if it's for a half hour. Please Marissa," He begs me. I take a shaky breath, closing my eyes while I slowly nod my head. I open my eyes to see a bright smile on his face.

He leads me to Jin's room, only to come face to face with a horrid sight. We all rush to his side, taking the blade out of his limp hand. There are pretty deep gashes in his wrists, him laying in his own pool of blood. My face loses all color as I stare at his lifeless body, praying that we aren't too late.

Everything around me is becoming so distant. My reality is fading as I look at him. I can't think, breathe, or even move, too afraid of what's ahead of us.

"Marissa," I hear a voice call out. It's so distant, I can't tell where or who it's coming from. I feel my body being shaken violently, bringing me back to reality. I look to see Minho in front of me, her glossy eyes searching mine for some sort of response. I shake my head, covering my ears as I let out a horrid scream. I sink to the floor, my knees folded under me as I bend forward, wailing.

I can't make out my surroundings anymore, my breathing is becoming more ragged. It's so hard for me to breathe. I clutch at my chest as I fall to my side, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself, it just isn't working out too well. I sense the darkness that wants to consume me lurking around the corner. I finally allow it to overtake me, falling into the darkness, away from everyone else.

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