Chapter 46: Watch Out

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A/N: Thank you to all my readers. Here's yet another chapter, yayyyy. I'm trying to finish this book as soon as possible so I can get started on my next one, but I don't have any of these chapters planned out. I write these as I go along, so whatever happens in each and every chapter comes as a surprise to me as it does to you guys. Happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Marissa's Pov

"I know you don't want me roaming around alone Yoongi, but I've been stuck in this house for a week without anything to do. Please, let me go out," I plead with Yoongi as I'm talking to him on the phone.

He's currently at work, and here I am disturbing him, being a whiny pregnant wife when all that he's doing is for my safety. I can hear him sigh sadly through the receiver, I know I must be making him feel like he's being a bad husband.

"I know you need to go out princess, it's just not safe for you or the baby," He softly admits, sounding completely defeated. I know this must be hard for him. Him keeping me locked away like this must be the hardest decision he has had to make in a while.

"I know it's for my safety along with the baby, but Yoongs I'll go mad if I stay in this house any longer." I sound like a brat, I know I do, but can you blame me?

"I'll let you go out on one condition," He finally gives in.

"What's that?"

"You get Jimin to take you out. Wherever you go, he goes. You are to stay by his side at all times, do not go astray from him. If you can promise me that, I'll let you go out." His voice was stern, serious even.

I sigh, I don't want to have to burden anyone like that, especially Jimin. He already has enough on his plate, with Minho and her depression to being a father figure to little Yuki. A pang of guilt instantly washes over me when I think of having to bother him for such a stupid matter.

"Do you agree to my terms?" His voice sounded irritated when I took too long to answer him.

"Okay, I agree to them, but I hate to bother him over such a small matter," I whimper out, my voice small.

"It's not a small matter, that note was written about you, whether it is an empty threat or not, it was still targeting you. Until we know for sure it's just an empty threat and it's nothing for us to worry about, I don't want you to be alone." I know Yoongi must be tired of me by now, this has been a back and forth argument between us all week.

I can't help but feel even more guilty when he explains to me for the hundredth time as to why he doesn't want me to go out by myself.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I'm just being selfish. I'll contact Jimin to see if he's available," I sigh into the receiver after what seemed like ages.

"It's okay baby, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I have to get back to work, I love you," He says softly.

"I love you too, be safe." At that he hung up the phone, leaving me to just stare blankly at it before dialing Jimin's number.

"Yeoboseo?" He sounded exhausted, drained even.

Am I really going to do this to him? Am I really going to make him drag his tired body out of his house just because I want to go out?

"Are you there Marissa? Is everything okay? You're not in any danger are you?" He goes full on alert when I don't respond to him. Why am I hesitating like this?

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