Chapter 33: Don't Go

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Marissa's Pov

I camp out at the airport for the night. Staying on the benches at the airport is one of the most uncomfortable thing a person can do.

I keep waking up every so often. I stretch my body, my bones cracking along with it. I finally decide to stay up, since I keep waking up anyway.

Standing up, I head to the vending machines to get myself a water with some chips. Upon returning to my seat I see a homeless person wrapped up in a blanket for warmth.

My heart aches for him as I watch him. He looks up to see me staring, but he doesn't say anything. I walk over to him, handing him my chips with my water. He smiles a bright smile at me, grateful for something to eat. I make a note to get him real food once one of the cafés open.

I go back to the benches, slumping myself onto them.

I guess this is really my last night here. I'm hurt that they had felt that way about me, but there's nothing I can do. I did bring them into this mess, and I was the one who acted out against everyone's wishes. In a way it was my fault, but in a way it was not. I mean come on, if they didn't all go together then maybe they'd still be alive.

My mind keeps rambling on. I can't take it, it's like my brain wants to blame me yet it doesn't want to at the same time. I really don't like the contradiction going on in my own head.

I can't help my mind wandering to different places while sitting in this lonely airport. Families stare at me as if I'm some type of exotic creature, witnessing the confusion and turmoil going on inside of my head. I sigh to myself as I just sit here contemplating everything that I have done while staying in Korea.

Knowing that I won't be with Yoongi anymore crushes me. I lift up my left hand observing the engagement ring that I refuse to take off. This will be the only remembrance of him that I hold. Tears well up in my eyes just knowing that our time has finally come to an end.

"Marissa," I hear someone yell across the airport. My breathing quickens. I become nervous as beads of sweat dance across my forehead. I know that voice all too well. The voice of my true love rings through my ears.

I must be imagining it. It's just my mind playing tricks on me because of how much I miss him. Stupid mind, get a hold of yourself and stop making things up.

Someone grabs hold of my arm, dragging me into a hallway where I see 7 pair of feet in front of me. I slowly lift my eyes to see Yoongi holding onto me. I then look to the other 7 people in front of me.

Their stares make me want to climb into a hole and not come out. I cower away, trying to loosen Yoongi's grip on my arm. He doesn't budge at all, in fact his grip tightens even more.

"Why are you guys here," I question. None of them answer, they just look at me. I close my eyes, really wanting to disappear right now.

"Where are you going," Minho retorts. I shoot my eyes open to see a smug look on her face.

"I'm going back to where I belong. I don't belong here, you guys have made that perfectly clear. Nothing you say or do will stop me. This is my final decision," I spat. They widen their eyes in shock.

Yoongi let's go of my arm reluctantly while begging with his eyes for me to stay. I go over to him, placing my palm on his face. He closes his eyes loosely as I stroke my thumb across his cheek back and forth. My heart contorts at the sad look lingering on his face.

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